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To be recognized locally, regionally and globally for excellence in medical education, research and contributions to patient care and community services.
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Under the auspices of the President of Yarmouk University Prof. Islam Massad and with the presence of his deputies and assistants and the Dean of Faculty of Medicine Prof. Manar Al-Lawama, the Launch of two new projects by Faculty of Medicine was declared on Tuesday, Oct. 15th, 2024 in Al-Razi auditorium in Faculty of Medicine campus.
The Take Care of booklet, (in Arabic: Deer Balak) is a booklet concerned on explaining different common medical conditions in each body system, directed to the society in a simple language that they can understand. Thisbooklet material was done by the FM/YU medical students and its scientific subject was revised by Faculty members. The project was supervised by Dr. Dina Qa'adan, the head of department of Pediatrics, Family medicine and Obstetrics & Gynecology.
The new research group interested in Global Health included Prof. Moawia Khatabeh, Dr. Reema Karasneh and Dr. Ols Soudah. all are faculty members in department of Diseases' Basic Sciences. (The research group link- Click here)
Final preparations of the course ( INTRODUCTION TO CLINICAL SCIENCES) are underway for the launch of the course next Sunday. The course which prepares medical students to enter the clinical training period after finishing their basic sciences studies has undergone reformation the last year, and this academic year is the second time after it was lengthened to two months , skills are trained by a group of the best medical graduates in Jordan, simulated patients are recruited from Faculty of fine arts in the university, and weekly clinical exams to prepare students for the clinical exams that they'll face in their academic future.
The Dean of the faculty of Medicine, Prof. Manar Al-Lawama met the clinical instructors and gave them her advises and recommendations for the best way to deal with the fresh students who are new to clinical life. Then Dr. Jomana Alsulaiman the coordinator of the course gave them the time table of the course and then group of the faculty staff who coordinates the weeks of course explained to instructors the details of their weeks, as every week the students learn history and exam for a system
"Aoun batch" football team representative of FM/YU won the second place in the Jordanian faculties of medicine football tournament -2nd edition which was held by JIMA- Jordan Islamic Medical Association part of Jordan Medical Association.
The tournament was held in the courts of faculty of physical education in Jordan university in Amman, on Saturday Sept. 14th, 2024.
Aoun batch team qualified to this championship after winning the local qualifiers in Yarmouk university Faculty of Medicine batches teams.
In the national tournament our team won his group first place then played the semifinal match against Balqa University Faculty of Medicine team. then in the final game against Jordan University FM team , the result was 2-1 to the opponents.
The players who won the silver medals were the medical students: Mohammad Alshorman, Mohammad Alshadfan, Mohammad Abu-khait, Abdul-Rahman Kharashgah ( the 2nd scorer in the tournament), Moath Malkawi, Jadallah Khasawneh,Ahmad Shrayydeh and Hashem Gharaibeh.
Faculty of Medicine at Yarmouk University which supported the team from the start and assigned the Dean assistant for E-learning and creativity- Dr. Mohammad Akram Awwad to supervise the team, congratulates the team members for this extracurricular sports competitive activity. We wish them the best in their academic and non academic life.
Under the auspices of Prof. Manar Al-Lawama, the dean of Faculty of Medicine, an awareness campaign about mental health among universities' students presented by 4Human humanitarian initiative and Be aware company for community work with collaboration with International Medical Corps (IMC)
The activity included awareness discussions and lectures for students presented by specialists in Psychiatry and behavioral therapy
It was held on Thursday October 10th, 2024 from 10 am till 12 pm In Ibn sina auditorium, Faculty of Medicine campus.
Dr. Dina Qa'adan the supervisor of the event started her speech welcoming the participants and the audience. She stressed on the importance of mental health among universities' students as an integral part of general health and the success of the university student academically and socially.
Ms. Hindeyya Magableh the representative of 4Human humanitarian initiative talked about the initiative and its program interested in mental health in the society and especially among university students.
Ms. Reem Naqshabandi, the specialist in psychotherapy gave a brief about the importance of mental awareness and the improvement of mental care in the academic environment.
Then Mr. Moath Khatabeh, the representative of International Medical Corps (IMC) highlighted the role of his establishment in helping the sectors in need in the society including the social psychological support.
This event received great acclaim and interaction from students and faculty.
The approval of the presidency of Yarmouk University regarding the reformation of the administration staff of Faculty of Medicine according to the recommendation of Prof. Manar Al-Lawama the Dean of Faculty of Medicine was issued, It was as follows
The Heads of the departments as follows:
Head of Department of Basic Medical Sciences: Prof. Osama Abu Al-Rub
Head of Department of Diseases' Basic Sciences: Dr. Maryam Al-Omari
Head of Department of Internal Medicine: Dr. Mohammad Athamaneh
Head of Department of General Surgery and Anesthesia: Dr. Raed Ennab
Head of Department of Pediatrics, Family Medicine and Obstetrics & Gynecology : Dr. Dina Qa'adan
Refugee, Displaced Persons and Forced Migration Studies Center/YU with the collaboration with Faculty of Medicine/YU is pleased to
invite you all to attend a lecture entitled
Researching Refugees' Health
lectured by Dr. O'roob Al-Abed- Associate Professor in the faculty of high studies in BIRZEIT University
The lecture will be held on Thursday August 29th, 2024 at 11 am in Ibn-Sina Auditorium - Faculty of Medicine/YU campus
Under the auspices of the Dean of Faculty of Medicine Prof. Manar Al-Lawama
You are invited to attend
The awareness campaign about mental health among universities' students
presented by 4Human humanitarian initiative and Be aware company for community work with collaboration with International Medical Corps (IMC)
The activity includes awareness discussions and lectures for students presented by specialists in Psychiatry and behavioral therapy
On Thursday October 10th, 2024 from 10 am till 12 pm In Ibn sina auditorium, Faculty of Medicine campus
The Faculty of Medicine at Yarmouk University announces its desire to appoint clinical instructors for the Introduction to Clinical Skills course, which will be held from Oct. 1st, 2024 to Nov. 28th, 2024.
The applicants must be recent graduates, hold a permanent license to practice medicine in Jordan, and are not committed to working for any other institution.
Note that the working hours are daily (from Sunday to Thursday), from eight-thirty a.m. to two o’clock p.m.. Those selected will be contacted within a week of the date.
Apply through the link below:
At the initiative of medical students and under the auspices of the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Dr. Manar Al-Lawama, the Faculty held a specialized research work course for its students entitled “Basics of Medical Research”. The activity was under the supervision of Dr. “Mohammad Akram” Awwad. The workshop included activities from lectures and applied sessions given by Dr. Yaman Al-odat (an expert in the medical research who has many scientific published articles in international journals).
Over the course of its three days, the workshop, which extended from Sunday till Tuesday, August 18th- 20th , 2024, , covered the following topics:
- A comprehensive introduction to medical research.
- Classifications and types of research.
- Methods of analyzing and interpreting medical data.
- Methods of successfully publishing scientific research.
The scientific workshop activities took place for three hours a day and were held on the campus of the Faculty of Medicine in the Ibn Sina Auditorium (the Blue Auditorium) and received a large turnout from students from different academic years.
The Faculty of Medicine thanks Dr. Yaman Al-odat, the distinguished young doctor in his passion for scientific research and his overwhelming desire to transfer this passion to our students for what he presented in this distinguished workshop.
Pictures from the first day of the workshop:
Pictures from the Second day of the workshop:
Pictures from the third day of the workshop:
Our Vision
To be recognized locally, regionally and globally for excellence in medical education, research and contributions to patient care and community services.