Vision, Mission, Values & Objective

Vision, Mission, Values & Objective


 Efficiency and excellence in providing high-quality guidance services that keep pace with modern developments.


 Providing developmental, preventive and curative counseling programs that achieve mental health and personal, social, educational and professional harmony that serve all male/female students in order to achieve the goals of the college and the university.

Values :

1. - Complete confidentiality.

2. - Honesty and sincerity.

3. - Seriousness, flexibility and commitment.


The Student Guidance Committee at the College of Medicine seeks to provide guidance to students and solve their problems in the face of difficulties related to their academic achievement and university life, and familiarize them with study regulations and learning ethics by increasing students’ awareness and awareness of their academic responsibilities and encouraging them to make more effort in solving academic and personal problems. (social or psychological) that prevents them from achieving their educational goals.



Our Vision

To be recognized locally, regionally and globally for excellence in medical education, research and contributions to patient care and community services.

Contact Us

  •  Irbid - Jordan, P.O Box 566 ZipCode 21163
  •  962-2-7211111 (3037)
Copyright © 2025 Yarmouk University.
  • Irbid - Jordan, P.O Box 566 ZipCode 21163
  •  962-2-7211111 (3037)