Specialize Abroad

Specialize Abroad

specialize usa


For our students who plan to specialize in USA :

To get your credentials recognized for post graduate studies in clinical disciplines in the united states, you have to obtain the ECFMG certificate that requires successful pass of The United States Medical Licensing Examination® (USMLE®), which is a three-step examination for medical licensure in the U.S..

To learn more about USMLE steps go to the USMLE website , there you can browse the site for updating your information about the exams, their dates and places. How to apply for them? and how to prepare for them.

In the process of application there are some steps that your Faculty of Medicine/ YU has to interfere to authenticate transcripts and identity of the applicant. 

1- Open an account in ECFMG , click on the picture below to reach the link



ecfmg application



2- Once you finish your application and get your ecfmg ID number, you can apply for any of the USMLE steps exams. When you apply to the exam there is the eligibility period that extends for three months.


3- When you apply for the exam, The liasion adminstrative officer in our Faculty of Medicine - Dr. Rami Al-Omari will receive a status verification request from ECFMG ( This process is done in the Yarmouk University between the Faculty of Medicine and Admission and Registeration Department in YU) , All the student's data are confirmed and verification will be sent to ECFMG. 


4-When the FM/YU student graduates, After uploading her/his credentials , Her/his transcript  has to be verified by Yarmouk University and will be kept in Faculty of Medicine files (The process is done by the university).

Please here note that it is advised to send the uploaded certified transcript to Dr. Hadeel Hailat, the head of the clinical training office through one of the following e mails 

 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

to expedite your papers verification in the university. Let the title of the electronic be (USMLE credentials verification- transcript). considering the format of the file to be PDF not an image format file or any other format.


5- For ERAS (Electronic Residency Application Service) for match application, The student applies to ECFMG which will contact the liasion adminstrative officer in our Faculty of Medicine - Dr. Hadeel Hailat, the University will prepare the MSPE ( Medical Student Performance Evaluation) which is done by the university through a special application available from ECFMG platform , that will upload it for the student. 


ta3leemat format usmle


Please here note that it is advised to send the uploaded certified transcript and certified MSPE YU- letterhead paper -other student self designed papers are unaceptable- to Dr. Rami Al-Omari through his e mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , to expedite your papers verification in the university. Let the title of the electronic message be (USMLE credentials verification- ERAS), considering the format of the file to be PDF not an image format file or any other format and the size not to exceed 1200 kb.

Put all the pages of the certified transcript in one PDF file, and all the pages of MSPE in a second PDF file paying attention to the technical points mentioned in the (instructions) image file above.




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  •  medicine.fac@yu.edu.jo
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  • Irbid - Jordan, P.O Box 566 ZipCode 21163
  •  medicine.fac@yu.edu.jo
  •  962-2-7211111 (3037)