Scientific Research

Medical Scientific Research


Yarmouk University gives a great importance to scientific research. The Deanship of Scientific Research coordinates with all faculties in the university to support researchers and organize research steps so that the research project obtains the approval of the ethics committees emanating from it and completes paper and electronic records in the Deanship of Scientific Research before the researcher continues his research project till it is published. The Faculty of Medicine at Yarmouk University is a young medical school that shares with the university administration in its keenness to encourage its faculty members and students to engage in the research process.

On the part of the faculty members, the steps of temporary to permeant job modification and academic promotion require the submission of researches in refereed and indexed journals according to the rules and instructions of the higher bodies of the university administration.

Faculty of Medicine deanship provides at its maximum capacity the circumstances and the infra-structure of research work in the Faculty by enacting the helping instructions, providing the labs and instruments, sponsoring the scholarships,preparing and signing collaborative agreements with local and international health and academic institutions and rewarding the researchers.

Registration of the faculty member in all of the internationally accredited search engines for published research and the number of citations from these researches is a must and is apparent in the faculty members’ database and faculty members’ electronic pages in the Faculty of Medicine and the University websites, so his research activity is monitored and this is a motivation to implement more research work.

The Quality Center at the university and the Queen Rania Center for Jordanian Studies and Community Service - Yarmouk University hold courses to teach researchers to perform some research tasks, such as SPSS courses for statistical analysis and others. 

 Faculty of Medicine /YU seeks to raise the number of research citations of its affiliates in order to benefit it and the university in various fields. On the one hand, it raises the scientific and academic value of the Faculty and university in the quality standards of medical schools and universities in the world. On the other hand, the development of scientific research in the Faculty is positively reflected on the academic process as a whole. 

About the share of medical students in research, Faculty of Medicine has encouraged its students since the beginning of its establishment to participate in the research work, and there are dozens of researches published or submitted for publication in which the contributions of our students is highlighted.

This trend of encouragement of an active group enthusiastic about research was advanced generalized to all our students later. The Faculty decided, with the university administration, that research should be a requirement for graduation of every medical student.  This was applied for the first time in the academic year ending 2021-2022. The class that graduated at the end of this academic year received an MD degree. Instead of an MB.BS degree. This is because they finished the research course in the syllabus, every student in this batch participated in research projects with their professors. This approach will continue in the future.

It is worth noting that Faculty of Medicine/ YU held a scientific day for its research students (the first scientific day for clinical and applied research for students of the Faculty of Medicine- CTRD) in which they presented posters of their researches on the Faculty campus on November 10 th, 2021 under the auspices the President of the University, Prof. Islam Massad, accompanied by the Dean of the Faculty at that time, Prof. Khaldoon Bashaireh. The students explained their research ideas, research summaries and the results.

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The period of the major lockdown and interrupted closures during Corona pandemic in the past two years was difficult for everyone, but our researchers took advantage of it to continue their research work, whether it was related to the pandemic or in their usual research line. The university and the Faculty of Medicine seek, through agreements concluded with health and academic institutions in Jordan and abroad, to facilitate joint research work between the members of our Faculty and colleagues in these local and international bodies and institutions. 

In this menu list of scientific research we put three main headings:

First: (How to start your search?) It is for young researchers among our students and is a guide for them to break the fear of entering the research world and learn to engage in research work step by step. 

 Second: It directs your compass towards (links to important sites for researchers at YU) so that our researchers can easily access them from one page on our website.

Third: (Our published researches) page and work is still underway to put all the published research in the Faculty and indicate the contributions of medical students in the researches they shared in. The Faculty wants to send a clear signal to encourage them and spread enthusiasm in the hearts of all our students to enter this field seadily and continue in it after their graduation even if they specialize in clinical practical work not only academic, this meets with the faculty’s goal of encouraging continuous medical education after graduation. Implementing the research work is beneficial for their career, society and medical sciences forever. 

We wish you a pleasant journey through this important menu of medical scientific research.


Our Vision

To be recognized locally, regionally and globally for excellence in medical education, research and contributions to patient care and community services.

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  •  962-2-7211111 (3037)
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  • Irbid - Jordan, P.O Box 566 ZipCode 21163
  •  962-2-7211111 (3037)