Our Vision
To be recognized locally, regionally and globally for excellence in medical education, research and contributions to patient care and community services.
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As part of Yarmouk University’s endeavor to support the goals of sustainable development, student teams specialized in the field of sustainability have been formed in each Faculty, aiming to promote the concepts of sustainable development by focusing on partnerships and achieving environmental and social goals.
The Sustainable Development Team at the Faculty of Medicine is concerned with good health and well-being, through:
1- Launching awareness campaigns on disease prevention and improving public health.
2- Organizing volunteer activities to provide health services in local communities.
3- Conduct medical research on endemic diseases and their impact on public health
4- Organizing workshops on mental health and well-being in the community
5-Providing free medical services as part of promoting health well-being.
The Sustainable Development Group at the Faculty of Medicine consists of the students:
1- Lana Ahmad Yasin
2- Ayham Hussein Assaf
3- Maryam Amjad Alnasser
4-Waleed Khalid Shunnaq
5- Hussam Omar Al-Jamal
6-Yasmin Hani Hayajneh
7-Hada Ahmad Shnaiqat
8-Saleh Ahmad Al-Ajarmeh
Medical students @ YU thank (Life ' Hayat' team) which was founded by a group of Pharmacy students led by the newly graduated pharmacist from Faculty of Pharmacy@YU (Samah Salah). We thank them for giving us an opportunity to share in the volunteer work actively and to include medical students in this great team. This team started as a team for pharmacy students but over time medical students started to share in their initiatives and activities. We thank (Samah Salah) for sharing all the information about the team and its activities including the archived material and pictures of the activities of (Life 'Hayat' team) since it has started till now.
We are pleased to host them in the students station of the Students and Graduates HUB in our faculty's website to pay back their kindness of allowing us to be a part of this team.
Vision of the team:
Pioneering and excellence in the sector of health awareness, and to enahance the scientific and humanitarian role of students and medical workers in serving the local community by all means, as the team seeks to pass the health message to different sectors of our society in a scientific but easy and acceptable way. Another benifit we are looking for by our work is to enhance the knowledge, skills and capabilities of students in medical specialties who will be practicing medical personnel in the near future.
Our Motto:
" Towards a health aware society" , as we are in the middle of the huge and fast health information flow where trusted sources are lost among the untrusted sources, our team works hard to increase the level of health awareness with scientific basis for all society sectors.
Team Objectives:
- Spread the health awareness in the different groups of the society from a pharmaceutical and medical point of view.
- Enhance the relations between the health sector and the society.
- Assurance of the role of every student and health worker in the health awareness within the integrated health care system.
- Highlight the role of Yarmouk University faculties related to medicine and health.
- Enhance the capabilities and increase the knowledge and skills of the volunteers regarding their medical specialties.
- Developing the knowledge and skills of the health workers by lectures and seminars.
The founders of the team:
1- Samah Salah (President)- Pharmacy
2. Husam Marazeeq (member)- Pharmacy
3.Natheer Haddad (member)- Pharmacy
4. Amal Abu O'doos (member)- Pharmacy
5. Israa' Abu Dalbouh (member)- Pharmacy
6. Rahaf Mohsen (member)- Pharmacy
7 . Rahaf Hamdan (member) - Pharmacy
8. Malek Almomani (member)- Pharmacy
9. Ahmad Nasser (member)- Pharmacy
10. Hiba Khafaja (member)- Pharmacy
11. Mona AlHindawi (member)- Pharmacy
12. Deema Alsunaid (member)- Pharmacy
1- Samah Salah (President)- Pharmacy
2. Rahaf AlAdwi (Vice-President)-Pharmacy
3. Rawan Mahmoud (member)- Pharmacy
4. Bayan Obeidat (member)- Pharmacy
5. Lilian AlOmari (member)- Pharmacy
6. Rand Khalifa (member)- Pharmacy
7 . Lujain Hawamdeh (member)- Pharmacy
8. Sireen Emad (member)- Pharmacy
9. Marah Hajras (member)- Pharmacy
10. Reem Hasan (member)- Pharmacy
11. Shams Almomani (member)- Pharmacy
12. Reema Alsiksik (member)- Pharmacy
13. Baraa'a Zraiqat (member)- Pharmacy
14. Islam Bani Hani (member)- Pharmacy
15. Reham Alzyood (member)- Pharmacy
16. Sadeen Yaseen (member)- Medicine
To browse our albums, Click on the link named with our activities -------------------------------------------------- |
1- Pharmacist fingerprint Initiative Program
The program aims to spread health awareness in the field for children and teenagers under 18 years age. through visiting schools, societies and centers that deal with these age groups. Six schools and societies were visted till now.
Target group: the primary and middle school classes ( 1st 10 classes)
Initiative axes:
A simple session about volunteer work importance and its role in the life of the person and society
Intrroduction about first aid in many emergency cases.
A lecture about personal cleaniness and its role in prevention from infections and other diseases.
A primary dental checkup by a dentist and a lecture by the dentist about how to maintain dental health
Many Thanks to: Dentist: Dr. Ali Fawwaz
Target group: the primary and middle school classes ( 1st 10 classes)
Initiative axes:
Nutrition and healthy balanced diet
The effect of abuse of technology on the body health, mental health and study.
First aid for epistaxis (nose bleeding), wounds and joint sprains
Learn how to measure blood pressure and check blood sugar with thands on raining session
A primary dental checkup by the dentist Dr. ' Asmaa Khalil" and a lecture by the dentist about how to maintain dental health, with vailable brochures for this lecture.
Many Thanks to:
- Sponsors: Adel bookshop for students services and the engineer " Al-Baraa Khaled
- Dentist : Dr. Asmaa Khalil
Target group: the primary and middle school classes ( 1st 10 classes)
Initiative axes:
Awareness part:
A lecture about personal cleaniness and its role in prevention from infections and other diseases.
First aid for epistaxis (nose bleeding).
An awareness talk about how to maintain dental health, in a simple way that suits children in primary school classes.
Entertainment part:
Many entertainment games and competeitions
Present gifts to the children
Face painting with bright colors
Many Thanks to:
Mr Nael Samarah
Target group: the middle and secondary school classes (classes 7-12)
Initiative axes:
Awareness about Flu and its proper management, and the wrong habit of taking antibiotics for viral infections.
Introduction to antibiotics and its proper indications and its abuse in the society, and the bad effects of this abuse on health sooner or later.
A lecture about personal cleaniness and its role in prevention from infections and other diseases, especially in the puberty stage.
The effect of abuse of technology on the body health, mental health and study.
Many Thanks to:
Dr. Zaid Al-Taany
Dr. Shadi Al-Shogran
Medical students representative in YU Student union: "Ahmad Ababneh"
Mr. Mohammad Khamaiseh
Target group: the primary and middle school classes ( 1st 10 classes)
Initiative axes:
Nutrition and healthy balanced diet
Definition of "Obesity", its causes and the bad habits that lead to it Dangers of obesity on heart and circulatory systen health
Obesity from a pharmaceutical and medical point of view and the risk of unapproved pills that people take for diet control and weight reduction. Sessions about food, Soda, smoking and drugs addiction and their risks.
Target group: the primary, middle and secondary school classes (classes 1-12)
Initiative axes:
Risk of pain killers abuse.
Introduction to antibiotics and its proper indications and its abuse in the society, and the bad effects of this abuse on health sooner or later.
Proper dealing with medication, checking the expiry dates and proper way of their storage.
Some common drug-drug interactions esp. with commonly used medications.
Importance of pharmacists' consultation
A lecture about personal cleaniness and its role in prevention from infections and other diseases and dental health for the students of 4th and 5th primary classes.
Many Thanks to:
Mr. AbdulKareem Alazzam representatice of Yarmouk press
Ms. Mayar Al-Foqahaa from Yarmouk FM station
Ms. Hanan Al Issa from Yarmouk FM station
Ms. Rahaf Al-Shlool
"Save a life" initiative
Based on the fact that a blood drop equals a life, this initiative came to life. This activity was held in King Abdullah University Hospital-KAUH, Irbid on January 10th, 2016
Initiative axes:
Decoration of the reception halls and the pediatric ward.
Visit the pediatric ward patients and present gifts to the kids and many entertainment activities were performed.
Blood donation for the emergency cases.
Some common drug-drug interactions esp. with commonly used medications.
Voluntaeer awareness of the importance and the conditions of blood donation for both the donor and recepient.
Many Thanks to:
Mr. Ahmad Hijazi the owner of the gifts shop.
Target group: Irbid society , all age groups
Initiative axes:
A corner for dental health, simple dental checkup for children by dentists.
A corner for skin care and how to protect it in summer days.
A corner height and weight measurements and advises for abnormal BMI indices.
A corner for herbal medicine and its abuse.
A corner for blood pressure and blood Sugar checkup and increase the awareness of Hypertension and Diabetes mellitus as chronic diseases.
Many Thanks to:
Al-Razi pharmacies group represented by Dr. Firas
Mutaz pharmacies group
Dr. Adnan Massadeh
Dr. Rawan Shrayydeh
Dr. Rasheed Al-Sumaidi
Dr. Hazem Mohammad
Mr. Faris AlSaadi , Yarmouk press
" You Can Do It' initiative:
An awareness day in collaboration with ( Mojaddedoon society- Faculty of Arts @YU). It was held on November 7th, 2018. This activity aims to increase the level of awareness in the field of addiction in all its forms, its risks on the health of the person and society, esp. that university students is the most common sector exposed to this problem. Based on the idea that youth are the nations builders, It's imperative to maintain physical, psycological and mental health of this age group.
Initiative axes:
Smoking and its dangers, How to stop it?
Risk of drug addiction in all its forms.
Food, Soda and Caffiene addiction
Internet addiction and its physical, psycological and mental health risks
Many Thanks to:
The initiative leaders: (Samah Salah & Rahaf Hamdan)
Mojaddedoon society- Faculty of Arts @YU - Irbid
Ms. Yasmin Al-Shrayydeh
Yarmouk FM station
"A health of gold" initiative
An awareness day in collaboration with ( Bonyaan team). It was held on April 25th, 2019 in the diamond hall in the deanship of students affairs building. This activity was under the patronage of Dr. Amal Nusair , the dean of students affairs in Yarmouk University.
Initiative axes:
Blood grouping and blood donation by university students and other volunteers.
Awareness of dental health and simple dental checkup
Awareness about obesity and weight &height checkup
Blood pressure and blood Sugar checkup and increase the awareness of Hypertension and Diabetes mellitus as chronic diseases.
A Psychiatrist corner, for mental and psycological health and thier problems
Acorner for visual acuity checkup by specialists
A corner for first aids
Many Thanks to:
The corners leaders: (Sarah Ismael & Rabei Sulaiman)
Bonyaan team - Irbid
Dr. Ayat Nashwan- the manager of refugees stidies center
Dr. Rawan Masri, the psychiatrist and staff member in Faculty of Medicine @YU
CBHFA volunteers from Red crescent, Irbid branch
"Feed your body, Don't harm it" program initiative
An awareness program highlights with its two sessions 1 & 2 the importance of the (obesity) issue as a cause of many chronic diseases. The first session was held in Prince Hussein building @YU on April 9th, 2019. The second session was held in Irbid university college campus on April 10th, 2019.
Initiative axes:
Awareness about obesity and weight,height and BMI checkup
A corner for a healthy diet Factors leading to obesity
Effect of obesity on the the physical and psycological health
Obesity from a pharmaceutical point of view ( diet medications??!!)
Obesity from a medical point of view (When to go for surgery in cases of obesity?)
Obesity and herbs, any relations?
An acting scene clarifying obesity problems.
Attendance of a number of the 8th and 9th grades from YU Model School the activities.
Many Thanks to:
Dr. Bayan Malkawi , Dr. Sayer Alazzam, Dr. Mustafa Aryout, the initiative program leaders (Caroline Obada , Samah Salah) , Faculty of Fine Arts students (Omar abu Ghazala, Sondos Smairat and Ghaith Jawarneh), Al-Mostaqbal for medical equipments, Mr. Mohammad Alkhamaiseh, Oxugen Gym, Ms. Haneen Bashaireh-Faculty of Education, the administration of YU Model school, Yarmouk FM station, Yarmouk press, Mr. Ahmad Al-Omari
Extinguish your cigarette, please
An awareness program highlights with its two sessions 1 & 2 the risks of smoking as Jordan is one of the countries of the highest percentage of smokers among population. The first session was held in Prince Hussein building @YU on July 21st, 2019. The second session was held in Irbid City Centre Mall on September 5th, 2019.
Initiative axes:
Awareness about smoking and components of the cigarette.
Awareness of smoking in all its forms , the electronic cigarette and the hookah
Effect of smoking on skin and its health effect of smoking on dental health, followed by a dental checkup by Al-Nasser dental centre
Effect of smoking on heart and its relation with Hypertension
Relation with different types of cancer
A corner concerning drug addiction
Passive smoking and its risks
A corner concerning ( How to stop smoking)
Many Thanks to:
Dr. Zaid Al-Taany
Dr. Shadi al-Shogran
Ms. Maysoon al-Sakran , a lab supervisor in Faculty of Sciences
Al-Nasser dental centre represented by Dr. Zakareyya Al-Nasser and Dr. Nahed Al-Nasser
Mr. Amjad al-Zoubi representative of ِAnti-Drug department in YU
The initiative leaders: Rahaf Al-Adawi, Sarah Ismael, Mutaz Abu Dalou and Reem Ibrahim) The creative Fine Arts students who created the posters and holograms (Ms. Malak Mohammad Mahasneh, Eng. Raad Yaser Almashreqy, Mr. Raad Ahmad Al-Zoubi)
Usually the pioneer ideas are faced by refusal, even sometimes are fought. The idea of a comprehensive meeting of Yarmoukian students from all faculties on November 24th, 2019 was a unique Yarmoukian creation. its aim is to gather the university students to unify the body of the students, exchange ideas and introduce the students of all the volunteer teams in the university. The attendance exceeded all expectations and break all records. The attendees described it as ( the activity of our life)
Many Thanks to:
Bonyaan team
The deanship of students' affairs
The (Life -Hayat-team ) corner leaders: Rahaf Al-Adawi & Sarah Ismael
Mr. Raad Al-Mashreqy
Many Thanks to:
Yarmouk FM station
Programs manager: Mr. Anas Al-Omari
Preparation team ( Life-Hayat volunteers)
All the program hosts in all its five seasons
The pharmacist: Amal Ayman , the supervisor of the preparation team
The medical student: Amer Khaled, A host
Faculty of Pharmacy Wall Magazine
The first edition of Faculty of Pharmacy Wall Magazine was issued by (Life-Hayat team). The magazine deals with the news of interest to pharmacy students, their wrriting creations and mini scientific articles.
Many Thanks to:
Excellence Academy
Dr. Rawan Shrayydeh
The first edition team: (Samah Salah, Natheer Haddad, Hanan Alawneh, Rawan Oleimat, Dana abu Daabes,Rabie Sulaiman, Majeda Zubaidy, Eman Albattah, Sarah ismael, Rasha Ahmad, Elaf Ziyad, Barraa'a Alkhateeb, Lilian alomari, Adnan Alhamad, Ro'a Bani Younis)
Electronic Programs
Included many activities that are held electronically to reach all the community groups in a faster and a more comprehensive way. As internet and social media is popular in Jordan we relied on these activities to convey our team messages. Those programs included: awareness seminars by experts through the electronic applications; Zoom and Mircrosoft teams.
Seminars by:
Mr. Mohammad Al-Maany/ CPR
Pharmacist: Israa Al-Azzah /All about cough for pharmacy students
Physiotherapists: Mosaab Zurieqat and Mohammad Karasneh/ Importance of physical therapy
Ms. Hadeel Khasawneh/Laboratory Testing Interpretation
Pharmacist: Ola Zaitoun/The Freshness Of The Skin
This program inludes preparation of visually illustrated clips frequently and periodically by volunteers to increase the health awareness level through the social media applications like Instagram and snapshat
* Students in health related faculties from all Jordanian universities participate in this activity *
In this program The team particpates by sending health information in the form of short messages by (Telegram) through a private channel.
* Students in health related faculties from all Jordanian universities participate in this activity *
Wateen team was established in 2021 by elite of medical students at Yarmouk University. The team aim to discuss the different aspects of the medical topics , pharmacological and medical management for the patient as well, along with the other issues that the doctor face in his job and the medical practice in general especially the ones that have different scientific, legal or social views by one of the speech arts called Debate .
Team goals and objectives :
the team goals by the different of medical debate that it hold to enhance the skills of the participant in the medical research by referring them to the wide range of global research websites to prepare to the content of the debate, by this research the participant will get a lot of information about the subject of research to defend some of them and criticize some, so he’ll develop The critical mind that searches for the truth and is not deceived by justifications wrapped in a scientific style. Later on all of the knowledge together with the skills of criticism-for-truth will benefit the student in his studies and profession as a medical doctor.
Another skill that our participants develop is speaking fluently in front of the crowd. That she/he can use it in medical conferences or convincing people about misinformation about some health issues, like what we’ve seen during COVID 19 pandemic. Last, the team work in distributing the tasks then integrating the divided work with different colleagues of different personalities is a major gain of this experience that “Wateen team for medical debates’ give to medical students. For sure this team work will be helpful in the professional way when the future doctor works with colleagues in a multi-disciplinary work like in hospitals where different departments and different specialties present.
The Founders Of Wateen:
Founders and Current members:
Raneem Ala’ Bereshy (the founder of the idea of Wateen team for medical debate and the president )/ Passion batch
Ghaida Wasfi Ananzah (a member of the research department)/ Passion batch
Sumaya Abdullah Al-Sharif (a member of the research department)/ Passion batch
Razan "Ahmed Suleiman" Qassem (a member of the organizational department)/ Passion batch
Shuja’ Khaled Mashaqbeh (a member of the research department)/ Passion batch
Founders and Former members: (Previously=Prev.)
Hamza Hazem Munawer (Member of the Organizational Department- Prev.)/ Passion batch
Salama Yaqoub Thawabiya (Member of the Participants Selection and Follow-up Committee- Prev.)/ Passion batch
Ahmed Asif Al-Mahmoud (Member of the Participants Selection and Follow-up Committee- Prev.)/ Passion batch
Wanas Muhammad Shtayat (a member of the organizational department- Prev.)/ Passion batch
Aya Bassam Qawabeh (member of the media department- Prev.)/ Passion batch
Maryam Sufyan Al-Omari (a member of the media department- Prev.)/ Passion batch
Wateen “Muhammad Khalil” Khasawneh (Member of the Participants Selection and Follow-up Committee- Prev.)/ Passion batch
Aya Khaled Obeidat (a member of the media department- Prev.)/ Passion batch
Current members
Yaman Ghassan Alqudah (member of the media department)/ Aoun batch
Haneen Yousef Batat (a member of the research department)/ Vim batch
Hana' Osama Khraisat (member of the media department)/ Vim batch
Anas Khlaif Al-shannaq (a member of the research department)/ Vim batch
Anas AbdulRahman Alragheb (member of the media department)/ Aoun batch
Rand Sami Ibraheim (a member of the research department)/ Athar batch
Omar Habes Alzoubi (a member of the research department)/ Athar batch
Rania Khaled Abu Khadra (a member of the research department)/ Vim batch
Malak Hasan Al-Saraireh (a member of the research department)/ Vim batch
Amal Hassan Al-Omari (a member of the research department)/ Athar batch
Karam Khaled Thiabat (member of the media department)/ Vim batch
Abdul-Rahman Maher Al-Omari (a member of the research department)/ Athar batch
Team debates:
1. The first debate entitled (Should resuscitation equipment be withdrawn from clinically dead persons?) on Nov. 30th, 2021 in the Faculty of Medicine0 campus at Yarmouk University.
2. The second debate entitled (Is the keto diet a safe and effective way to lose weight or does it have a dark side) on March 27th, 2022 in the Faculty of Medicine campus at Yarmouk University.
3. The third debate entitled (Is hiding the diagnosis of cancer from the patient good for her/him?) on Aug. 22th, 2022 in the Faculty of Medicine campus at Yarmouk University.
4. The Fourth debate entitled (Depression and anxiety among medical students?) on Dec. 5th, 2022 in the Faculty of Medicine campus at Yarmouk University, This activity was a collaboration between Faculty of Medicine with Deanship of students affairs.
5. The fifth debate entitled (The factors that influence medical students' decision on choosing their future specialty ) on Apr. 4th, 2024 in the Faculty of Medicine campus at Yarmouk University.
Aims of the Medical Club:
- Serve both the university community in campus and the Jordanian community outside the campus.
- Help the Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Pharmacy to translate their orientation in the extracorricular mission towards community into a real action in the field.
Missions of the Medical Club:
1- Providing comprehensive and free revisions of the study materails to the students who need them in both faculties.
2- Preparing and implementing extracurricular, recreational and medical activities inside and outside the university campus.
3- Organizing conferences and celebrations inside and outside the university campus.
4- Encoraging volunteer work, public service and team-work among the students from both faculties.
5- Providing te students from faculties of Medicine and Pharmacy to participate in activities that suit their interests and abilities.
6- The administrative board and the general body of the club are honored to provide advice and guidance to all new students at Yarmouk University.
The activities of the first and second sessions: The academic years (2015-2016) and (2016-2017)
Medical campaign titled (How is it going?) In this campaign more than 1000 visitors over two days benifited- from medical instructions, Blood pressure and blood sugar check, height and weight measurements and information about common medical problems. This campaign was followed by three more similar campaigns in different locations inside Irbid-Jordan with the names ( How 's it going? 2 , 3 and 4 )
The actvities of the third session 2018-2019:
As students representation comes through clubs, volunteer teams and YU Students Union, There is another form of representation by selecting or electing one student or group of students for a specific mission requested by the faculty or the university. This mission is usually temporary for a specific period of time that could extend to an academic year. The selection is made by the party that needs this mission accomplished and by the coordination with faculty of medicine deanship.
Our medical students were represented in the following missions:
1- The medical student " Murad Abo Qamar" was selected by the administration of the university for the first time to be the whole university students representative in the University Council for the academic year 2018-2019. Thic council has an advisory nature and is renewed at the start of each academic year.
2- Selection of the medical student " Toqa Zghoul" in the academic year 2017-2018 when she was at the level of 4th year to be a member of the scientific committee of the first YUMC- Yarmouk University Medical Conference that was under Faculty of Medicine supervision.
3- Despite of their first time participation in the national medical competition (2019-2020) supervised by the Jordan Medical Association, Faculty of Medicine @ Yarmouk University students represented by the students
Abrar Ramadan (6th yr student)
Ahmad Al Omari ( 5th yr student)
Maria Obeidat ( 4th yr student)
The team shined in the 5th copy of this competition held on Saturday February 1st, 2020. The team lead the race through the first step onward and till the last question. They managed to rank the third among all medical schools of Jordan ( total of six universities) with so close comparable grades with the first two teams.
The team was the center of attention of the attendees and its performance was highly appreciated by the members of the organizing committee.
International Federation of medical student association - Jordan chapter (IFMSA- Jordan) is a non-governmental, non-political organization run by medical students all around Jordan. IFMSA has established a platform for passionate medical students to service the community while simultaneously helping students establish their independence and knowledge. Yarmouk University local committee attained its membership in 2016, founded by a group of medical students @ YU (Elixir and Soul batches).
IFMSA- Jordan is within the Eastern Mediterranean Region- (EMR) which is one of five regions that are structurally affiliated to the parent organization, the International Federation of Medical Students' Associations (IFMSA) which is an international non governmental organization representing associations of medical students all over the world. It was founded in May 1951 and currently maintains 136 member organisations from 126 countries around the globe. The local committees meet at the country level periodically in the National General Assembly (NGA), while the national teams gather in periodic regional meetings. IFMSA General Assemblies at the level of the globe are among the biggest youth-led events around the world. Held twice a year – once in March, once in August – they are attended by over 800 medical students from 100+ countries.
IFMSA offers a wide range of opportunities depending on the topic of interest, as it branches into 6 committees which are:
Yarmouk University local committee has been very distinguished in the work they have done so far and they have had several key accomplishments and milestones that had a major impact locally, a few of them being:
- Hosting the National General Assembly twice; NGA XIII and NGA XVIII, where medical students from all around Jordan gathered to discuss medicine-related topics. The themes for those assemblies were ‘Eyes and Ophthalmology’ and ‘When Innovation meets medicine’ respectively.
- YULC won the first place in the presentation fair where medical students all over Jordan compete for the best given project.
- Hosting a local general assembly centered about the theme of surgical rooms where educational lectures were given as well as basic practical training that included installing arm casts and suturing.
- Launched ‘The healthy traveler’ Project that was conducted in Jerash and aimed to teach tourists the importance of getting a check up before traveling. The governor also attended to welcome and personally thank the students for their efforts. This lead to us being featured on the local news.
- [Coronavirus:Myth vs Fact]
Launched ‘Coronavirus: Myth vs Fact’ a two step program that featured doctors and patients working together to educate the attendees. Step one consisted of Dr. Waleed Attia who was generous enough to shoot down the misinformation circulating regarding the virus. He was joined by patient Alaa Ayesh who opened up about her experience with the disease. Step two, which took place in Eros Coffeehouse, was attended by speaker Dr Sahem Gharaibeh who elaborated further in an attempt to stop the spreading of popular myths about the virus. This project later won second place in the national project fair.
- [Staying Alive]
Launched ‘Staying Alive’ project where a first aid training session was provided by professional certified trainers teaching students crucial lifesaving skills on how to act during critical medical emergencies.
- A breast cancer awareness day organized by YU-LC was held on the 29th of October. The project consisted of two steps with the first one taking place at the Yarmouk University. The project got lots of attention as the faculty’s dean and the student affairs dean attended it, as well as many other students from different specialties and majors. The second step was held in Arabella mall, where awareness about the lethal disease continues. This project later got 2nd place in the activities fair.
- [My Invisible MS]
An orange campaign that supports multiple sclerosis fighters by focusing on their journey, pain and finally hope. Two steps were conducted under the leadership of Ms. Noor Ali and the efforts of Ms.LPO Khayzoran Qatawneh. The first step was fighters-centered and directed people’s attention to the fighters, their stories, their problems and needs with ripples of positivity floating around. The second step was an awareness step in Irbid City Center, the volunteers have educated people about the disease and the importance of a healthy life style.
- [Health is Wealth]
Health is wealth was a project with the main goal of improving our students clinical skills, and medical knowledge; we started Health is wealth, aiming to teach the student the methods of measuring vital signs and improving their communication skills. We held 2 steps of workshops with 130 attendees, then started to implement that in a free medical day at Irbid Association for hosting elderly.
- [Your way to research]
Being that medical research is an extremely vital skill to harness as medical students, a segment about Research Types and Methods was given by Doctor Romany H. Thabet. The event was held on the 7th of February and was proceeded by a briefing on the IFMSA as an ice breaker for the first year students who attended. The attendees were given pre and post evaluation forms to check the event effectiveness. The doctor and students were also given certificates of attendance.
All of the projects that are mentioned below with 2021-2022 title were executed under the direct management and supervision the 2021/2022 team of officials:
Ahmad Adnan Alkhatib – President | Roa’a al-etawi – Secretary General | Hasan Ahmad Khasawneh – Treasurer
Rahaf Bani Yassin – VPI | Hazem Omar tbeshat – VPE | Dr. Ali M. Khafaja, Muneer M. Rawagah – Supervising Council
Tariq Asa’d Haddad, Maya Imad Ghazzawi, Yanal Ahmad Alomari, Mohammed A. AlMohsen, Hiba Masad, Mohammed Ababneh – Officers
Dana Hasan Aleassa, Hashem Ayman Almansi, Jamal Khaled Hamad – Support division directors
Project name: [The language of medicine] 2021-2022
Place and date: Medical association Irbid (نقابة الاطباء) , 07/11/2021
Brief introduction:
Medical terminology is language used to precisely describe the human body including its components, processes, conditions affecting it, and procedures performed upon it, it is highly essential for all medical students to know well as it is the language of medicine.
Outcome: Improvement in the students’ general knowledge of medical terminology.
Organizing committee:
-Hashem Gharaybeh -Sewar BaniMusa -Ahmad BaniAmer -Muneer Rawagah -Ali BaniMere –Tariq Haddad
Project name: [Code of ethics] 2021-2022
Place and time: Yarmouk university faculty of medicine building, 23/11/2021
Brief introduction:
This project will cover the topic of medical ethics in which we will help the students to understand what medical ethics are, why are they so important and what will happen if a doctor does not follow them.
Outcome: Participants should know what are the medical ethics and principles and understand how to perform them
Organizing committee:
- Ali Banimere - Yanal Alomari - Hashem Gharybeh - Hasan Khasawneh - Marah Fawwaz - Tariq Haddad
Project name: [Football Tournament] 2021-2022
Place and time: ملاعب الحديقة - December 30th, 2021
Brief introduction: A football tournament that will be held in الحديقة مالعب to encourage exercises and teamwork.
Outcome: A fun, healthy, friendly tournament that increases physical strength.
Organizing committee: ▪ Officers: Mohd AlMohsen – LEO.
▪ Leader: Ahmad Sughier.
▪ OC’s: Mohammad Mazari, Anas Alragheb
Project: [Beauty Checkup] 2021-2022
Place and date: Faculty of medicine – Yarmouk University, 4-11-2021
Brief introduction:
Acne vulgaris is a common chronic skin disease o involving blockage and/or inflammation of pilosebaceous units (hair follicles and their accompanying sebaceous gland). Acne can present as noninflammatory lesions, inflammatory lesions, or a mixture of both, affecting mostly the face but also the back and chest. Adolescents and young adults between ages 12 and 24 tend to be the most affected group. This dermatological condition falls under public health approaches. Thus, this project aims to spread evidence-based medical awareness between the targeted population. It well prepared and designed in a form of 2 hours session introduced by dermatologist.
Outcome: To spread evidence-based medical awareness about this skin condition between the targeted population.
Organizing committee: Rahmah Abushareah, Basil Jaradat, Rafeef Al-Hmood, Hasan Khasawneh, Yanal Al-Omari, Aseel Hanandeh, Esraa Abushqeer, Mohammad Ababneh and Ansam Bani Amer
Organizing committee: ▪ Officers: Mohd AlMohsen & Hiba Al Mas’d
▪ Leader: Tariq Haddad. Co-Leader: Hiba Al Mas’d.
▪ OC’s: Zaid Abu Rajea, Thurayya Hayajneh, Sara Najeh, Obada Khayyat, Mohammad Alazzah, Dana Alessa, Lubnah Rawabdeh, Anas Alragheb, Sewar Bani Musa, Yanal Alomari, and Sleman Abu Alheyja.
Project name: [Medical breakthroughs in technology *(2 steps)] 2021-2022
Step1: Prosthetics and 3d printing StudyHouse Irbid, 13/03/2022
Step2: microcontrollers and 3d printing RokiTech Irbid, 10/04/2022
Brief introduction: 3D Printing Technologies have got a lot of interest from the worlds top universities and there is a lot of ongoing research on how to implant this technology in other fields.
The medical field got great attention a lot of studies are looking to use 3D printers in stem cells and artificial limbs.
In this project, we are going to make a training session about 3D printed prostheses.
Outcome: Expand students awareness of 3D printing and its medical related applications.
Organizing committee: Hasan Khasawneh, Mohammad Qudah, Moomen Dalalha, Sara Kiwan, Nora Alkhateeb
Project name: [Research Craft] 2021-2022
Place and time: CalmaSpace Irbid, 29-30/12/2021
Brief introduction: Doing research is an important academic skill to acquire in the medical field. In this project, we will provide a comprehensive step-by-step approach for medical students to embark on their journey in research from coming up with an idea of high quality until publication. Every medical student should get involved in at least one research project before graduation as it’s a means of generating future doctors with critical thinking skills on different topics of interest and generate knowledge, it is also a great addition on your CV’s for residency and future job applications. The hosting standing committee will be SCORE, as it is most related to our topic, and the event will be held in two consecutive days to cover the full research path.
Outcome: Learned the thorough step-by-step approach involved in a research project
Organizing committee: Yanal Alomari, Nora Alkhateeb, Hada Shuneigat, Obada Khayyat, Marah Fawwaz, Rahmah Abu Shareah, Zainab Alzoubi
Project name: [Armed with skills] 2021-2022
Step1: Basic life support training session
Place and time: Mr.bean Irbid, 30/3/2022
Brief introduction: This project is about teaching basic medical skills (first aid, injections, suturing) in a new interactive way , aiming to give students the full set of skills to add to their arsenal .
Outcome: Participants should master the basic and essential skills that every doctor should have (Suturing, injections, first aid, fracture splinting)
Organizing committee: Hashem Mansi, Tariq Haddad, Muneer Rawagah, Ali Bani Maree, Nizar Hazaymeh, Thurayya Hayajneh, Rahma Al-Tamimi.
Project name: [بالتكافل نحيا] 2021-2022
Place and time: Irbid – Ramadan- 20/4/2022
Brief introduction: Prior to the holy month, many families are already living in poor circumstances and don’t have the basic necessities for living, that’s why we’re doing this project with SCORP, the committee that focuses on giving and doing good, to ensure that no one is deprived of the joy of life. In this project we’re doing a charity campaign in which we collect financial donations to purchase those families essential groceries they need.
We will collaborate with charities to help us in collecting financial donations. After that we will buy the groceries and distribute them. We will also get iftar meals to families in need.
Outcome: Support the families who are in need.
Organizing committee: Sara fuad/ Abeer Gharaibeh /Tala Qasem/ Aseel Omari/ Danya Alradaideh/ Mohammad Al-shwaiat/ intisar Abu zaid/ Tuqa Alawadat/ Mohammad Muath Abu Jabal/ Mohamad Al-zoubi
Project name: [معًا لإسعادهم] 2021-2022
Place and time: Irbid- may-23/4/2022
Brief introduction: In the holy month of Ramadan, we get reminded of all the blessings that we have. Thus, we show our gratitude towards it. Unfortunately, not everyone is equally privileged, which is why we must help those who are in need. We did the event at the SOS-children village where we shared iftar meals with the orphans who live there, followed by fun activities.
Outcome: Iftar day for the orphans with activities so that they can have a good time.
Organizing committee:
Muneer Rawagah / Yanal Alomari /Mohammed Almohsen/ Nancy Alsekaji/ Odah Al baraiseh/ Ayah Aljamal/ Noor Bader / Saif Al deen Al irani/ Zaid Abu marah/ Naya Al mohammad/ Minna Akkash
- Project name: [Armed with skills] 2021-2022
STEP 2 & 3 : Splinting + injections and blood drawing
Place and time: Garage café – irbid , 18/5/2022
Brief introduction: this project aims to help students acquire few of the essential basic and clinical skills , starting off with first aid skills in the first step and moving on to learn a lot about splinting from Dr. Mohammad Akram Awwad , about the different types of bandages and tools before teaching them how to properly splint limbs using the tools we provided for each participant and then reviewing their work and providing them with the feedback they need to improve
Next up , we had Mr. Saleh Abu dalo teach students about the different techniques of injections , and the various types of needles and drugs before teaching the participants how to draw blood , in a safe and sterilized environment .
Outcome: participants acquired two important basic medical skills while having fun in the fun activities we provided in-between the sessions
Organizing committee: Hashem Mansi , Tariq Haddad , Muneer Rawagah , Mohammad Dairy , Sleman abu alhayja’ , Mohammad Masadeh , Noor Bader , Thurayya Hani , Rahma Altamimi , Hashem Gharaybeh , Ali Omar , Nizar Hazaimeh
Finally, all of this would have not been possible with the consistent efforts of our teams throughout the years presenting to you:
2015-2016 team
2016-2017 team:
2017-2018 team:
2018-2019 team
2019-2020 team:
2020-2021 team
2021-2022 team
Executive Board
Local officers
Supervising Council
Support divisions directors
Yarmouk Medical Team (YMT) is a volunteer non-profit social team. It differs from the medical club which its administrative body is elected by its members and that is considered one of the university clubs. Our team is a volunteer team according to the mission. its membership is just by the desire to work in a team devoted for volunteer work. Any member could be the leader of the mission once the group agreed upon the plan. We collaborate with the other teams and clubs in the faculty and the university for the sake of demonstrating our students' skills in serving the community.
YMT launch was from the Faculty of Medicine campus. It's aim is to provide the students with some ancillary academic services that help them in their studies, curricular and extracurricular activities inside and outside the campus.
YMT activities are done by medical students of Yarmouk University.
The Yarmouk University Students Union (YUSU) was established in 1992 and it has a legal personality. It is located on the university campus and works on:
The role of the Faculty of Medicine representatives in YUSU is to be a link between medical students and the administrations of the faculty and the university. They convey to them the demands and the academic needs of the students and presenting them whenever their voice is to be heard. They have to deal with the difficulties their colleagues face and suggest the solutions before the university departments.
Our Vision
To be recognized locally, regionally and globally for excellence in medical education, research and contributions to patient care and community services.