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Written in Arabic By:
Forat Mowaffaq Alomoush
4th year student-Passion batch- 6th batch 2018-2024
Translated by: Dr. M.A. Awwad
Here I am, waving goodbye and leaving behind beautiful memories full of happy scenes and some unhappy ones. Different situations, Pre-exam nights, friends' meeting and lecture halls; all are memories now that I look at with smiling eyes.
Here I am today, I've reached the middle of the road, and my dream is about to embrace the truth. The first part of the story had ended, and the stage of basic medical sciences has passed. This end is just a corridor that leads to a beginning of a new stage, which is more important than the former one, a stage that puts me closer to my dream to start playing the role of a doctor who sacrifices himself and uses his knowledge to serve his community.
As the images of the three years of basic sciences pass before my eyes, I see so many memories that have participated in making the new person of me. Each year of them has its own memories. I still remember the details of the first year especially in the first semester with all fears and concerns of a newcomer to a strange world, who hopes to get rooted in this new world, to build true long lasting frienships, and to acheive his goal of academic excellence to continue the way of excellence during elementary and secondary school classes.
I remember when I first started studying the body systems with all their basic sciences, I was overwhelmed with the huge information that I've never expected to get exposed to. Thanks God I did it and passed all of them and really I forgot all the suffering when I went to the store to choose which stethoscope I will buy and which color I will choose. This moment had a magic effect that turned all the bitterness of the past hard experiences into joy and happiness.
As I am packing my stuff and my enthusiasm from a train to a new one, from the basic sciences to the clinical sciences, I believe I have to prepare myself to different kind of hardships and more efforts to exert in this new stage of my life, but also I am expecting different tastes of joy when I start training in the hospitals and meeting real patients and practicing doctors that I will for sure try to learn as much as I can from their knowledge and experiences.
My colleagues and I have passed the half of the road towards our dream, and in the next half our passion is renewing and reviving. Thanks to the person who suggested the name (Passion) to my batch. Again 'Thanks God for your generosity to help us to enroll this specialty (Medicine) that planted this passion and diligence in our souls. and we all ask His Highness for sucess and perfection in the new stage of our life we start'.
Written in Arabic by:
Samah Zaidan Ajjawi
6th year student, Glory batch , 2017-2023
Translated to English by: Dr. Mohammad A. Awwad
“There is a hope, Isn’t that right Dr. ? “ This what the surgeon asked me during the operation.
Hope, wasn’t just a word, It was a life.
The operating rooms floor in Princess Basma Teaching Hospital has a special awe (My favorite place). You can see in the faces of the patients’ companions in the waiting area many conflicting reactions; anticipation, encouragement, fear, smiles hiding bad feelings, hope and many many reactions. When you walk in the corridors of the OR floor monitors are heard, smell of disinfectants and cautery is there, commands of doctors and nurses ring inside the ears, and in higher pitch is the voice of my heart pounding as if my hear feels with me the special awe of this stance and place while I was preparing myself to scrub for a beautiful medical battle against a subdural hematoma.
I don’t forget the enthusiasm of the neurosurgeon as if he is confident of defeating his enemy, the smile of hope shines in his eyes. Despite of the profuse sweating in his forehead that the circulating nurse wipes, the surgeon was going forward against time and the patient family’s anxiety. He insisted before the operation to assist him as if I am a surgeon assistant. He taught me how to scrub my hands and put the operation gown and sterile gloves in the correct way.
I thought of myself as a superwoman in the movies that will save mankind J , I woke up from my day dreams when the surgeon called me to stand in my place beside the patient’s body. I thought of myself then as a barrier of the smooth movement of surgeons and nurses. Taking a place and consuming Oxygen that maybe I don’t deserve, looking for a phot shot just for a pride that I am doing nothing.
I was a free girl till I was capitated by the view of the human brain. I was in love at a first sight. Wow It’s unfair to compare all the brain models in the labs and the pictures and drawings in the book and the internet sites and application with this beautiful creation. I was looking at it with concentration, trying to know it by hear as a poem. I looked at the eyes of the neurosurgeon, it was an ordinary scene for him after hundreds of times seeing it, but for me it was a historical moment.
I don’t know how does the time of the operation pass. The surgeon was happy with the result and he went in hurry to the waiting room to give the good news to the family.
I remembered then the Medical Oath “ I swear to God to watch his highness always in my profession, any to be one of his Mercy means on Earth”
O God, let’s benefit ourselves and others with the knowledge that you gave us and give us more knowledge.
Written in Arabic By:
Sleman Alrawashdeh
4th year student ,Passion Batch - 6th batch-2018-2024
Translated by: Dr. M.A. Awwad
Peace and blessings upon you all
Iam Sleman Alrawashdeh. I'll talk today about a unique and a new experience. My colleagues Mahmoud Amayreh, Mohammad Bani Hani and Hamzel Otoum and me ( All are 4th year medical students) were honored to attend a workshop and a conference about training for medical education via innovative e-technology. This workshop was supervised by a group of local and international professors in collaboration with MediTech. This workshop inluded learning and training about virtual reality and artificial intillegence in medical teaching and medicine in general.
This workshop started from August 1st, 2021 till August 12th, 2021 in two weeks , the first week was in Jordan University @ Aqaba , this workshop was assigned for medical students. Our lecturers were some of experienced professors from many prestigious universities like Masaryk University in Czech. This first week was so special as we learnt how to communicate with people during medical preactice. and how to help patients return to the best of their normal life.
Written in Arabic by:
Leen Jamal Bani Hamad
6th year student , Glory batch , 5th batch 2017-20123
Translated by: Dr. Mohammad A. Awwad
Moans of the sick, cries and screams emanating from hearts exhausted by pain and burdened by illness, the sound of machines attached to ill bodies ... This is what we hear every day as we walk in the hospital’s corridors... Behind the corridors there are many hidden stories, and the feelings there are conflicting between joy at the arrival of a new baby and sadness around a newly dying human, feelings of anxiety and waiting to know the result of an analysis or an operation that succeeded or failed. I often think deeply when I look at the faces of patients and listen to their conversations. Despite the difference in their personalities and ages, they all, without exception, wish for one thing, which is well-being. In their eyes, what thee see when they were OK outside the hospital become small and insignificant. Money, prestige and positions have no value. Their prayers and wishes are united so that their health may improve. One of them said to me: “When we are sick, everything disappears except for one wish: that well-being returns to us. And when we are well, we remember everything except that we enjoy well-being.”
I truly believed then that Health is the greatest of God’s blessings upon mankind, and only those who lost it would realize its value. If well-being is there, it is not recognized by the healthy, and if it is lost, its value is appreciated by the sick. The world is sweetened by its presence. It is the key to bliss and the open door to good things. O God, bestow upon us the blessing of health and well-being, and clothe it as a garment for all who have lost it.
We thank Allah for letting me carry the message of medicine, so that I may contribute, by His command, Blessed and Almighty, even if only a small part, to the people’s well-being and healing of patients’ pains and wounds. Nothing like to see happiness and satisfaction in their eyes.The greatest reward is by hearing their prayers for us, which renews the goal of entering the medical school in our soul. This precious reward makes us feel happy and at peace of conscience, and reminds us again and again of why we are here among the moans, pains and cries. It is a great humanitarian profession, which cannot be compared to anything else. We entrust this hard work to God, and we ask his Highness the treasures of His mercy, and in this noble field let the competitors compete.
Our Vision
To be recognized locally, regionally and globally for excellence in medical education, research and contributions to patient care and community services.