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To be recognized locally, regionally and globally for excellence in medical education, research and contributions to patient care and community services.
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'A Healthy traveler' is a new activity of faculty of medicine, YU activities was held on Thursday October 31st, 2019 in the archeological site in Jerash , in collaboration with Jerash tourist department.
The students who are members of IFMSA did this activity to increase the awareness of the health aspect during tourist's time abroad. medical education , vital signs measurement, lab tests and CPR training were among the services given to the tourists during the activity.
The activity was supervised by two of the faculty staff Dr. Suhair Qudseyyeh and Dr. Nahed Ahmad.
The responsible officers of Jerash tourist department and the tourists praised this activity and encouraged the students to do more such activities.
Under the patronage of Faculty of medicine in collaboration with the deanship of students affairs , A group of medical students under the umbrella of the faculty of Medicine -YU and the International Federation of Medical Students
The activity was attended by university female and male students from different specialties and faculties who were educated about the importance of early screening in breast cancer , the symptoms and the course of this disease. Brochures and pink ribbons were distributed. The activity was a part of IFMSA activities in coordination with the faculty of medicine and was supervised by Dr. Mohammad Akram Awwad from the faculty.
The deans of faculty of medicine Prof. Wesam Shihadeh and deanship of students affairs Dr. Amal Nusair honored the activity with their care. They talked to the students and listened to their comments.
Both Dr. Ra'ad Duwais, a general surgery assistant professor and Dr. Adnan Al Shaer , an internal medicine assistant professor started their work in the clinical sciences department and started the teaching and clinical process with medical students beginning from the start of the first semester of the academic year 2019-2020
Our Vision
To be recognized locally, regionally and globally for excellence in medical education, research and contributions to patient care and community services.