Faculty News

Wateen Medical Debate Team in a third debate done in the FM/YU campus



Wateen Medical Debate Team held its third debate entitled (Is hiding the diagnosis of a cancer good for him?) on Sunday, 21/8/2022 in the blue auditorium in the campus of FM/YU, in the presence of the Dean of Student Affairs, Prof. Dr. Mohammad Thiabat, and Prof. Dr. Zain Al-Abideen Abdullah, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Medicine at Yarmouk University, the Vice Dean for Student Affairs, Dr. Rami Malkawi, a number of the academic staff of both the basic and clinical medical sciences departments and a group of cultural activities officials other employees from the Deanship of Student Affairs.

The Jury was composed of a number of faculty members from the basic and clinical departments of the Facultyof Medicine; Dr. Laila Matalqa, Dr. Zaid Al-Ta’ani, Dr. Maryam Al-Omari, Dr. Hadeel Abu Al-Rub and Dr. Rashid Shatnawi.

The two sides of the debate were students from the Faculty of Medicine from different years.The opposition of (hiding te diagnosis) team for the title of the debate was represented by the students Somaya Al-Sharif, Saif Al-Deen Al-Irany, Sarah Sammouh and Renad Al-Falih. As for the Pro (hiding the diagnosis) team, it was made up of the students Anas Al-Shannaq, Ahmed Bataineh, Ayham Zyoud and Sarah Dawahdeh.

The Wateen team leader, student Raneem Alaa Al-Barrishi, and the co-founders; the students: Somaya Al-Sharif, Ghaida Ananzeh, Razan Ahmed, Shujaa Mashaqbeh, and the members; the students Anas Al-Ragheb, Yaman Al-Qudah, Malak Al-Sarayrah, Amal Al-Omari, Rand Ibrahim, Omar Al-Zoubi, Karam Thiabat, Hana’ Khraisat, Anas Al-Shannaq, Haneen Batat, and Rania Abu Khadra prepared for the debate, starting from choosing the topic at the first start to its final scene as it was held.  The debate held on the campus of the Faculty of Medicine / Yarmouk University. The debate was decided in favor of the (hiding the diagnosis) opposition team, and all the debaters from both teams and the Wateen team members were honored with participation certificates.
















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