Faculty News

President of YU and Dean of Faculty of Medicine participated in a meeting in the Parliament



President of Yarmouk University Prof. Islam Massad and the Dean of Faculty of Medicine Prof. Khaldoun Bashaireh participated in a meeting held by the education and youth committee in the Jordanian Parliament headed by Dr. Bilal almomani and attended actively by the PM's the members of the committee. The meeting was held on Monday Oct. 25th, 2021. The committee's guests were the presidents of the Jordanian universities that include faculties of medicine within their campuses, the deans of Faculties of Medicine in Jordan , the deputy of ministry of higher education and scientific research, the head of Accreditation and the head of Quality Assurance Commision of Higher Education Institutions AQACHEI.

The main issue discussed in this meeting was the World Federation of Medical Education-WFME accreditation of faculties of Medicine in Jordan which is essential for the recognition of these faculties internationally and a prerquisite for acceptance of the graduates of the faculties of medicine in the residency programs in advanced countries like USA.   





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To be recognized locally, regionally and globally for excellence in medical education, research and contributions to patient care and community services.

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  •  medicine.fac@yu.edu.jo
  •  962-2-7211111 (3037)
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  • Irbid - Jordan, P.O Box 566 ZipCode 21163
  •  medicine.fac@yu.edu.jo
  •  962-2-7211111 (3037)