Faculty News

Faculty of Medicine reception for the new students 2021-2022



Faculty of Medicine- YU held a reception for the new first year medical students , enrolled for the acdemic year 2021-2022 in Al-Kendy hall-Faculty of Arts campus on Thursday 21st, 2021. The reception was under the patronage of the Dean of Faculty of Medicine Professor Khaldoon Bashaireh, It was attended by the the new students and a number of teaching and administrative staff. The reception started with the royal anthem followed by reciting verses of the Holy Quran by the student Majed Namarneh.





The student Emad Al-Zoubi, the toastmaster presented the speakers, first of whom was the Dean of Faculty of Medicine. Dr. Al-Bashaireh improvised a speech to the students, congratulated them for their enrollment to study medicine in Yarmouk University and stressed on taking the responsibility of being medical students and being a future doctors. He gave them some advices that will help them through their academic path and encouaged them to do their best to be safe and competent doctors.




Then, Dr. Laila Matalqa, the Dean Assistant for the students' affairs in basic sciences stage and E-learning talked to the students, congratulating them for their distinguished acheivement in high school and their enrollment in YU medical school. Dr. Matalqa talked about the imprtance of sticking to the rules of the university and the Faculty of Medicine and the reporting lines that will help them preserve their academic rights. She guided them about where they can find these information from personally or through the university literature and documents.




 This talk was followed by a speech given by the Dean Assistant of Accreditation and Quality Assurance Affairs, Dr. Nesreen Bataineh. She emphasized the rules and regulations regarding the academic path and requirments to get their MB.Bs. certificate includinfg the rules of transfer from every yeal level to the next level and the maximum years legally accepted to continue in our medical school till graduation. She talked about the students' guide and the importance on getting the correct information for registeration from this guide and not verbally from unauthorized people.




During the reception many videos were presented to the new comers telling them what and where they can find the important buildings in the university, the Faculty of Medicine campus tour and the awareness of public safety and health during the face-to-face tlearning process which is resumed starting from the first semester. Those safety measures are compatible with the regulations of national health coomitteee to control COVID19 in Jordan and as a positive respone to the defense laws set by the government regarding public health.  There were two other speeches by the students Forat Alomoush and Albaraa Bani Younes. Forat as a representative of the already-enrolled medical students welcomed his new fellows starting their academic steps this semester. and Albaraa as a representative of the new studens.




An instructional presentation for the curriculum and the Dress Code of the Faculty of Medicine was presented by the student Emad Alzoubi . Some encoraging song by the student Suhaib Beshtawi and entertaining paragraphs intersperced between the videos.




Then Dr. Mohammad Akram Awwad gave a presentation about what is important for the new students in the official electronic websites of the university and Faculty of Medicine and where to find the important announcements and news during browsing both sites. 



The final paragraph of the reception was a scientific competition for the new students. This reception was organised by a committee including a number of students and teaching staff. Saftey measures were taken into account during the ceremony.










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  • Irbid - Jordan, P.O Box 566 ZipCode 21163
  •  medicine.fac@yu.edu.jo
  •  962-2-7211111 (3037)