Faculty News

Announcement regarding end of rotation exams for 5th year courses

Date of announcement: March 14th, 2021


Dear 5th year medical students


After meeting the coordinators of the minor courses and family medicine, the deanship of Faculty of Medicine- YU  decided to unify the mechanism of end of rotation exams in this period of online distant learning as follows:

1- The exams will be held using Zoom program as an oral exam by a student- Faculty zoom meeting for 15 minutes for each student (The exam will be by clinical scenario scheme, MiniOSCE questions, pictures and images with signs to detect.... etc.) 

2- Every group of students applying for each specialty exam will be sorted to subgroups. each subgroup is examined by one of the faculty members

3- Every student will be given an approximate time to be available for the exam via ZOOM with the doctor assigned to examine him. this time will be before the Exam date.

4- Opening the video camera of ZOOM is mandatory. and the exam will be RECORDED for documentation. Refrain from opening the camera for any excuse and at any time during the exam will postpone the exam for a later time , and the mark will be recorded as ( Incomplete) . The make-up exam will be also a face-to-face oral exam in the same way this exam is designed, and in the campus.

5- The postponed last exam for each group which was postponed from last Thursday will be held on Thursday March 18/3/2021, the exam will start at 9 am and this Thursday 18/3 will be just only an exam day, it will be day-off for the current rotation you are attending ( no lectures or Zoom clinical teaching).

6- The end of rotation exam for the present rotation you are in, and for future rotations will be held on the Thursday of the 2nd week of that minor rotation ( The last day of the rotation as scheduled before) at 9 am - and by the same way; Oral Zoom Exam-, till the decisions of online teaching is switched back into face-to -face direct teaching again. 

7- Every group CR is responsible to collect scanned pics of all his group university ID's , and to certify their authenticity. Unavailability of university ID necessitates providing another governmental ID with clear picture. and the coordinator should be informed by the CR about any refrain from providing the ID as the student will not be able to apply for the exam.  The coordinator of the course has to be provided with the ID's at least one day prior to exam.

8- Every CR has to provide the coordinator with all Zoom email accounts or create a Zoom channel with all these accounts and the faculty staff of the specialty in the same Zoom channel.

9- The coordinator of the course will provide his group of students with the details and the distinctive points about his specialty exam.

10- For the students of Psychiatry and Obs. and Gyne. : the way and time of the exam will be determined soon and the details about them will be announced by the Faculty of Medicine deanship.


Good Luck  



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  •  medicine.fac@yu.edu.jo
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