Faculty News

Announcement for medical students on March 9th, 2021

Dear medical students in Yarmouk University (YU)

Committed to higher education decisions declared by His Excellency the minister of Higher Education this evening , Tuesday March 9 th, 2021, please get informed with the following decisions:

1- The clinical exams of the clinical specialties that were supposed to be held on next Wednesday and Thursday (March 10th and 11th ) will be postponed till a further notice.

2- The clinical direct learning in hospitals will be switched to distant online learning, starting from tomorrow till a further notice.

3- CR's of the clinical groups will be provided by the schedule of distant online learning sessions by the coordinator doctors of their different specialties' courses.

4-Please follow the official Faculty of Medicine website and Facebook page and the courses coordinators for future updates

May Allah bless you and bless our beloved JORDAN , and protect all of us from this pandemic. I hope you -as our medical students- to be an example to follow in commitment to health and safety standards and to convey the message of medicine to your families and to the society. Let's work together to get out of this crisis and to let our country be pandemic-free.

Thank you for your cooperation.


                                                              Prof. Khaldoon Bashaireh 

                                                              Faculty of Medicine, Dean



Our Vision

To be recognized locally, regionally and globally for excellence in medical education, research and contributions to patient care and community services.

Contact Us

  •  Irbid - Jordan, P.O Box 566 ZipCode 21163
  •  medicine.fac@yu.edu.jo
  •  962-2-7211111 (3037)
Copyright © 2024 Yarmouk University.
  • Irbid - Jordan, P.O Box 566 ZipCode 21163
  •  medicine.fac@yu.edu.jo
  •  962-2-7211111 (3037)