
7 October 2022 Two announcements for 2nd & 3rd year students regarding resit exams for the purpose of raising academic average


Announcements published on Oct. 7th, 2022


Announcement for 2nd year students

Students wishing to sit for the re-sit exam to raise the average and who meet the following conditions:

1- Success in all subjects

2- They took only one re-sit exam and passed it

Please communicate with the representative of the batch to register their names in the Pathology exam, which will be held on Sunday 9-10-2022



Announcement for 3rd year students

 Students wishing to sit for the re-sit exam to raise the average and who meet the following conditions:

 1- Success in all subjects 

2- They took only one re-sit exam and passed it

Please communicate with the batch representative to register their names in one of the following exams: 

- The Musculoskeletal system MSS, which will be held on Sunday 9-10-2022

 - The Gastrointestinal (GI) system, and the Central nervous system (CNS), which will be held on Monday 10-10-2022


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To be recognized locally, regionally and globally for excellence in medical education, research and contributions to patient care and community services.

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  •  962-2-7211111 (3037)