
29 Sept 2022 The RE-SIT exam schedule for third-year students with the lists of students allowed to take them

second year resit exams 20212022


The Deanship of the Faculty of Medicine and the Department of Basic Medical Sciences announce the release of the RE-SIT exam schedule for third-year students (the first table) and also announce the university numbers of the students who are allowed to sit for the exams, as in the (second table).

Important note: If the student takes the exam and later it’s found that he is not entitled to take it, the exam is considered void.





First table

 resit second


Second table

Please click on the name of the subject in the table to see the university numbers for students who are eligible to take the exam of this subject.


Endocrine system
Medical Ethics
Gastrointestinal system
Nervous system 2
Clinical Psychology
Nervous system 1
Urogenital system
Health management
Integumentary and Musculoskeletal system




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