Faculty News

Awareness seminar about (Bad effects of Drugs) in the FM/YU campus



Representing the President of the University, Dr. Islam Massad, the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Dr. Manar Al-Lawama, auspiced the scientific seminar organized by the Faculty in cooperation with the General Fatwa Department and the Drug Control Department in the Public Security Directorate, on the scourge of drugs and methods of prevention and treatment from a security, religious and health perspective.

During the seminar, the head of the Awareness and Education Department at the Drug Control Administration, Major Nabil Al-Rawashdeh, reviewed the vision of the Drug Control Administration in raising awareness, preventing and preventing this dangerous scourge, pointing to the Jordanian laws that criminalize drug users and addicts.

In the other hand,His Eminence Dr. Mufti Muhammad Al-Rawashdeh from the General Fatwa Department, discussed the point of view of religion and how it fights this scourge and the awareness-raising role played by the Fatwa Department.

The Psychiatrist and addiction treatment specialist, Dr. Mohammad Al-Sammadi, discussed the types of drugs, their effect on health, and different treatment methods.

The seminar included a display of the possessions of the Drug Enforcement Administration's mobile awareness exhibition to learn about the different forms and types of drugs.

It is noteworthy that this seminar, which was attended by a group of students and members of the teaching and administrative staff, was prepared and coordinated by the Assistant Dean for students affairs, Dr. Heba Al-Zoubi.


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  • Irbid - Jordan, P.O Box 566 ZipCode 21163
  •  medicine.fac@yu.edu.jo
  •  962-2-7211111 (3037)