Faculty News

The Faculty of Medicine honors the departing Vice Dean, Prof. Zain Al-Abideen Al-Abdullah

The Faculty of Medicine FM/YU, represented by its administration and the academic and administrative staff of the faculty, held an honoring ceremony in honor of the departing Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Prof. Zain Al-Abideen Al-Abdullah, Professor of Clinical Immunology and Internal Medicine, at noon on Thursday March 2nd, 2023. The ceremony began with the presentation of the master of the ceremony, Dr. Hasan Al-Balas, Head of the Department of Clinical Medical Sciences, about Prof. Zain and his dedicated service to the faculty. He also gave the floor to the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Prof. Dr. Manar Al-Lawama, to speak in this occasion.

Dr. Al-lawama thanked Dr. Zain Al-Abideen for all that he presented to the Faculty in his various roles and positions, and presented his virtues and his good conduct throughout those years, presenting the best pictures and models from a colleague who came from our twin country, Iraq, to ​​present his experience in participating in the establishment of the young Faculty of Medicine at the well reputed Yarmouk University, and wished him success in what he chose for his future.

Then Prof. Dr. Al-Abdullah gave his speech in which he thanked the FM/YU and his colleagues from the administrative and academic bodies, and thanked Yarmouk University and the Hashemite Kingdom Jordan for all the welcome he received and the desire to work with as one team to serve the academic and administrative process in the faculty. A number of Prof. Al-Abdullah's colleagues from both departments spoke and recounted part of their good memories during working with him and wished him success in his next career. The Dean of the Faculty of Medicine presented souvenirs and the university shield, and everyone took souvenir photos with our dear colleague, Prof. Dr. Zain Al-Abideen at the end of the ceremony.




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  •  medicine.fac@yu.edu.jo
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  • Irbid - Jordan, P.O Box 566 ZipCode 21163
  •  medicine.fac@yu.edu.jo
  •  962-2-7211111 (3037)