Faculty News

Faculty of Medicine/YU held the Clinical and Translational Research Day of medical students CTRD 1

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Faculty of Medicine YU held the first Clinical and Translational Research Day CTRD 1 on Wednsday Nov. 10th, 2021 under the patronage of the university president Prof. Islam Massad. The day started with a tour to cover all the research posters that our medical students participated in actively. Most of the researches are published, some are approved to be published and some are in the process of publication. Vice presidents, Prof. Khaldoon Bashaireh the Dean of Faculty of Medicine and his colleagues the members of Deans' council and the Faculty of Medicine staff accompanied the president in the tour.


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Medical students presented the abstracts of their researches to the audience, then they gathered in the main conference hall in the faculty campus to start the ceremony of the day. This ceremony started with the Royal anthem then reciting verses of Holy Quran. The toastmaster of the ceremony Dr. Rima Karasneh , the Assistant professor in the Basic Medical Sciences BMS department talked to the audience, thanked the university president for his patronage of the scientific day, and the dean of faculty of medicine for his continuous support of the students and faculty staff to perform research work. She praised the special friendly and professional relationship that pervades the academic atmosphere in our medical school.

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 Prof. Khaldoon Bashaireh ,The Dean of Faculty of Medicine then talked to the audience. He thanked the president, vice presidents , his colleagues in the deans' council, Faculty teaching staff and medical students for being part of this scientific day. He talked about CTRD ehen it was an idea , and how did efforts, hard workd and creational thinking turned this idea into a reality. He thanked medical students and faculty staff for their enthusiasm in reseach work hoping that this day will be the first of annual CTRD days in the future for the sake of putting the Faculty of Medicine in distinguished position in world's scientific reasearch. Dr. Bashaireh called for this day to be a nucleus of other such activities for students' research in all the university faculties.


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University President Prof. Islam Massad showed in his speech the interest of the presidency in the faculty of medicine, its students and staff and its activities. He appreciated the hard work of medical students in their researches, emphasizing the importance of research during medical schoold studies for every students, whatever the path she/he intends to follow after graduation academic or professional. Submitting a research is a prerequisite in the curriculum to get the MD. certificate.


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 Dr. Almutasem Khamis, a graduate in the last batch talked about his personal experience in research work since he was a medical student.  How was the start, the efforts , the learning process the use of COVID lockdown time and the cooperation with faculty teaching staff. He encouaged medical students and graduates to give research work part of their passion and time.


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Dr. Ola Soudah , the assistant professor in Basic Medical Sciences BMS department then presented the titles of the winner researches and the names of the winner researchers. The YU president and the Dean of Faculty of Medicine presented the certificates and prizes to the students and graduates winners.

The posters exhibition in the faculty of Medicine campus will be open for the audience for many days.


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  • Irbid - Jordan, P.O Box 566 ZipCode 21163
  •  medicine.fac@yu.edu.jo
  •  962-2-7211111 (3037)