Faculty News

Faculty of Medicine raises the pink flag in the awareness day of breast cancer


 Faculty of Medicine held a major activity on Thuersday Oct. 28th, 2021 within its participation with the world's month of awareness of breast cancer. The whole day was full of activities and events in collaboraion with King Hussein Medical Center (KHMC) and the national program for breast cancer.


The day started by an opening ceremony under the patronage of the YU President Prof. Islam Massad. The ceremony was opened with the royal anthem and reciting verses of Holy Quran by a medical student. then Dr. Asmaa Almnayyes, the Dean assistant for training and development and the toastmaster of the ceremony thanked the university president and the dean of faculty of Medicine Prof. Khaldoon Bashaireh for encouraging the faculty of Medicine activities and she greeted the manager of the national program for breast cancer Mrs. Reem Ajlouni.



Then she announced for the Dean's speech. Dr. Bashaireh thanked the YU president , KHMC and Mrs. Ajlouni for their support to let this awareness day succeed. He talked to the audience about the importance of the awareness of breast cancer in Jordan and the world as screening could detect the disease in its early stage to minimize life losses,major surgeries and expensive costs that are a burden on the patient's families and the health system.



 Prof. Bashaireh invited the YU president Prof. Massad to the platform. Prof. Massad stressed on the importance of such activities and awareness days for the benifit of the society. He showed the interest of the university to work hand by hand with all the governmental and civil society organizations to make the awareness missions a success. He hoped that this medical day will increase the awareness of breast cancer and its screening in Jordan.



Mrs. Reem Ajlouni, the manager of the national program then talked to the audience thanking them for attending and thanked Yarmouk University and Faculty of medicine for their efforts to increase the awareness of breast cancer. She valued the positive response of women in the last few years to the awareness programs, but she urged for more activities during the whole year not only October the month of pink ribbons, as the statistics show that almost 1200 new cases of breast cancer are diagnosed annulaly in Jordan, Unfortunately , most of them are in late stages.



A survivor lady then talked about her experience from the start when she was diagnosed to have breast cancer through her long treatment way till she was finally declared free of the disease. Her story touched the audience and inspired them to follow her advices to call every woman at risk to start screening.


    Memorial shields were exchanged between the University President and the Dean of Faculty of Medicine from one side and Mrs. Ajlouni in the other side.





Lectures then started. Dr. Ghaith Hailat, the assistant professor in General surgery and the oncology surgeon gave two lectures one to get the audience aquianted with the disease, its symptoms and some relevant statistics. and he gave another lecture about modes of treatment used to traet breast cancer and the importance of individualizing the treatment according to the findings in each patient.



 Dr Suha Beitawi, the assistant professor and Obstetrics and Gyencology consultant talked about the way of breast self screening. she called the ladies to learn and train for this in the training session that was held in the margin of this day in the skills lab in Faculty of Medicine campus under supervision of Dr. Beitawi.




 Dr. Asmaa Almnayyes , the assistant professor in Radiology presented a lecture about the radiological investigations used to diagnose breast cancer and the proper time and age to do mammogram to screen for the disease.




Dr. Nesreen Bataineh, the Dean assistant for accreditation and Quality Assurance , the assistant professor in pathology talked about the biobsy types and ways to take them for the diagnosis of the breast cancer.



Last, Dr. Laila Matalqa gave a lecture about the healthy style and the ways to minimize the controlled risk factors of breast cancer.



After the end of the lectures session, The audience visited the booths that were distributed in the university, where medical students answer the questions about breast cancer, they presented the prochures and the pink ribbons to the attendees. Ladies had their chance to train in the skills lab about the best way of self screening.




brstudents with president










The  medical day continued till the sunset of Thursday, Afterwards the front of the faculty building was illuminated with pink color to pay the attention for this campaign for many nights till the end of the campaign in Jordan.







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