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Our Published Researches

Dr. Reema Karasneh: Knowledge and Practice of Patients' Data Sharing and Confidentiality Among Nurses in Jordan





 "Knowledge and Practice of Patients' Data Sharing and Confidentiality Among Nurses in Jordan"

Abuhammad S, Alzoubi KH, Al-Azzam SI, Karasneh RA.


     This paper is published in "Journal of multidisciplinary healthcare"

                              Publication Date: Published on:  2020 Sep 16;



      Publisher: [Auckland, N.Z.] : Dove Medical Press, c2008-

      Researcher from FM/YU: Dr. Reema Karasneh 

               Dept. of Basic Medical Sciences BMS


   DOI: 10.2147/JMDH.S269511





Background: The key patient rights entail respecting human decency, receiving healthcare services of high-quality, the right to information, the initial agreement of the patient to medical intervention, respecting privacy and personal life, and sustaining care and treatment. This study aims to survey the knowledge and practice of nurses in various healthcare industries toward sharing and confidentiality of patients’ data.

Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional design was employed through an online survey from May to June 2020. The authors sent a developed tool containing 19 statements reflecting the understanding of nurses’ knowledge and practice of privacy and sharing of data required to safeguard patient privacy. A total of 800 nurses agreed to participate in the study out of 1000 nurses.

Results: Roughly, all participants agreed that junior nurses should participate in a data sharing and confidentiality course before engaging in practice. Regarding institution policies for data sharing and protection, many nurses agreed that there are special recommendations and instructions from the institution in which they work to exchange patient information among nurses and the medical staff. The predictors of sharing practices and confidentiality among nurses include age, gender, marriage status, and attending a security course before practice. Young age, female, not attending a data sharing course, and single nurses are less engaging with data sharing and confidentiality of the patients for unauthorized patients.

Conclusion: A significant proportion of the staff had appropriate practices that ensured data security. However, practices that ensure patient confidentiality in the aspects of access, sharing, and transferring of patient data need improvement. Training is essential since it will have a beneficial relationship with knowledge, opinions, views, and actions. Thus, planning continuous training on policies and regulations about data safety and privacy may assist in improving healthcare setting practices.



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