Our Published Researches

Dr. Reema Karasneh: Perceptions, symptoms, and practices of electronic cigarette users: Descriptive analysis and validation of Arabic short form vaping consequences questionnaire.





 "Perceptions, symptoms, and practices of electronic cigarette users: Descriptive analysis and validation of Arabic short form vaping consequences questionnaire"

Karasneh R, Al-Azzam S, Nusair M, Hawamdeh S.


     This paper is published in "Public Library of Science one"

                              Publication Date: Published on: 2021 Jan 22;



      Publisher: San Francisco, CA : Public Library of Science

      Researcher from FM/YU: Dr. Reema Karasneh 

               Dept. of Basic Medical Sciences BMS






Background: E-cigarette (EC) use is increasing worldwide. Understanding the practices and perceptions of e-cigarette users and profiling the symptoms they experience is essential for regulating the use of such products. This study aims to investigate the practices and perceptions of e-cigarette users in Jordan and examine the symptoms (e.g. respiratory) they associate with e-cigarette use.

Methods: A cross-sectional online survey was conducted to assess EC use and tobacco smoking behaviors and the corresponding health symptoms among EC users in Jordan. EC use expectancies were also assessed using the Short Form Vaping Consequences Questionnaire, which was first translated into Arabic and tested for validity and reliability.

Results: Out of the 400 EC users surveyed, 95.5% were male, 76.2% used nicotine-containing juice, and 56.8% were concurrent tobacco smokers. Further, the participants had a mean age of 28.9 years (±10.2). Among dual EC/cigarette users, 88.6% reported that they tried to quit cigarette smoking, with e-cigarette use being the most commonly tried method of smoking cessation. The smoking-related symptoms reported by regular cigarette smokers mainly included sputum production (77.5%). The participants reported that using e-cigarettes instead of tobacco cigarettes had led to improvements in their sputum production (60.8%), breathing (59%), and general wellbeing (52%). Pleasant taste, enjoyable taste sensation, and flavor were significantly stronger (P-value < 0.05) among e-cigarette users compared to dual users. Dual EC/cigarette users reported stronger perceptions in the negative consequences scale, particularly with regards to the hazardous effects of smoking on health (P-value < 0.05).

Conclusion: Dual daily use of e-cigarettes and regular cigarettes is a common practice among EC users. We recommend that further research is conducted on dual EC/cigarette use and the potential health risks this may have (e.g. higher nicotine intake as compared to the single use of either products).



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