Pathology & Histology Lab

Pathology and histology lab:
Pathology/Hisology lab provides expert assistance for students and researchers in the field of light microscopy and Microtechniques, such as processing and sectioning of different tissue sample, in addition for applying different staining technique.
The lab also equipped with modern microscopes, and computer monitors for all students. This laboratory serves faculty members and teaches the practical side of pathology and histology courses.
Lab major instruments:
- Modular tissue embedding
- Tissue processor
- Semiautomated microtome
- Cryostat
- Laboratory refrigerator
- Fume hood
- Shaking water bath st30
- Automated slide stainer GIOTTO
- Microscopes
- Refrigrated Centerfuge
- Sextuple headed microscope
- Trinocular M. with digital camera
- Computers
Laboratory technician: Mrs. Heba Fayez
Location: Faculty of Medicine campus/ First floor
Hours: Weekdays: 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
Telephone: 02 721 1111 . Ext:7142