Code of Ethics

Code of Ethics in Faculty of Medicine/YU

code of ethics en


Code of Ethics in Faculty of Medicine/ Yarmouk University

This code is a reminder for all Faculty of Medicine/Yarmouk University personnel, either administrative and teaching staff as well as students of what is expected from them regarding behavior and professional conduct. All of what is mentioned is extrapolated from the moral standards that reached us from religion, community norms, and the common good deep traditions that lives inside every honest citizen whatever his beliefs and personal ideas. All of which should never contradict with work and study in the faculty of Medicine. This code was inspired by the message and literature of Yarmouk University, and it is in line with the Code of Conduct and Ethics for Public Job issued by the Ministry of Public Sector Development.

Faculty’s moral principles are:

  • Integrity
  • Professional commitment
  • Accountability
  • Respect


  1. Integrity:

Faculty personnel are expected to:

  • Comply with Jordanian national laws and rules at all times inside and outside the campus.
  • Adhere with Yarmouk University laws, regulations, decisions and circulars published in the university literature and its official website.
  • Implementation of the terms signed with the university in the case of administrative and teaching staff. In the case of the students; the acceptance of the position as a student on registration is considered a contract between the student and the university including the faculty of medicine. This obliges her/him of what employees are obligated to do. All has to respect the university laws and the faculty’s instructions.
  • Avoid the abuse of the job position or the student position to get personal advantages they are not privileged with by contracts or acceptance of the student position.
  • Avoid getting involved in or insinuate any verbal or physical violence in all its forms or levels.
  • Exhibit the correct professional behavior with the fellow personnel or visitors, whether their positions are equal or different during work and in the same integrity outside the working hours.
  • Adherence to standards of integrity in the medical practice of the practicing physician and the student during their presence in hospitals and clinical training centers and during the educational process with all patients, health workers and administrators in all the centers affiliated with the faculty of medicine.
  • Commit to integrity and follow the procedures of scientific research ethics in the research path from its inception by following the path established for the approval of research by the university until publication and while it is published.
  • Protect the confidential information related to students or employees and not to reveal any of them inside and outside the university, as well as the confidential information of patients and training centers affiliated with the faculty of medicine.
  • Report any conflict of interest during work or an out-of-university-contract benefit/s that the employee may receive by performing his job. This reporting has to be before she/he begins to perform the job and before the benefit is received
  • Report illegal acts that violate the university's laws, regulations, and instructions.
  • Be careful, act smartly and pay attention to the use of private e-mail regarding work matters. It is preferable to use the university e-mail for university matters.
  • Be prudent and honest by using social media and not to engage in verbal violence, incitement and mockery regarding work, teaching and study matters, and to solve work conflicts or differences through the mechanisms implemented in university laws and regulations and not through social media, whether electronic or real.
  1. Accountability:

Regarding accountability for the words, acts and hints of faculty personnel, They are expected to:

  • Know the rights, privileges, responsibilities, duties and limits related to your work, position and person from the day one work or study. Ignorance of their responsibility scope and limits is not an excuse for violating them.
  • Acceptance of the contract and knowing the rights and duties is an approval to take the responsibility of not completing the duties or failing to complete them in the best possible way with the maximum possible effort. This is applicable for both the employee or the student.
  • Take responsibility for the decisions they made regarding the performance of their work, duties and studies, and they also bear moral responsibility for the verbal comments about work and study.
  • Be fair in assessment. The assessment of the employees, by the administrators or supervisors, or the assessment of students by teachers must be fair and realistic with what is required and with what is available to perform the required mission.
  • Document official correspondence in the way agreed upon in the faculty as codification and documentation of  them is mandatory. Verbal orders and instruction should be based on documented explanation of the task assigned. Misiterpreting verbal transactions and orders does not exempt from accountability for the performance of work in the ideal way. Both the person who gave the non documented verbal order and the one who received it will take responsibilty for this issue.
  • Ensure the optimal use of the faculty's resources, including buildings, offices, halls and laboratories, so that they are not ignored or wasted in a way that does not conform to the known functions of these resources.
  • Give advice, clarify tasks, and directly supervise when assignments are given to staff or students to let the duty assigned be accountable fairly.
  • A mention of the name of the Faculty of Medicine, any of its personnel, its departments, its special tasks and personal evaluation of it in the media, whether it is visual, audible, or written through the classic ways of communication, the Internet, or social media by any of the faculty’s personnel should be preceded by the confirmation of the moral and legal eligibility of this affiliate to speak or write in this regard, and has to be followed by her/his acceptance of taking responsibility for what was mentioned by her/him in any of those ways.
  • Commit to all points mentioned in this code in all of its items mentioned before or after this point. Failure to comply to any of thse points makes the violator liable to accountability. 
  1. Professional Commitment:

The faculty personnel are expected to:

  • Perform their duties in all its forms in the best standards of professional and moral commitment.
  • Commit to the daily working hours and the tasks assigned during working hours and to dedicate this time to achievement in work, teaching or study.
  • Commit to the assigned workplace according to the schedules given by the management.
  • Use the Faculty's resources such as papers, offices, computers and the intertnet service as required by the work and not to use them in violation of law and morals such as displaying, publishing or sending materials offensive to people and morals, hacking or spying on others inside or outside the university.
  • Use their scientific and professional competencies to the fullest extent to develop the work environment and reach the outputs of their departments and the faculty in an optimal way.
  • Update themselves with the newest professional knowledge in the field of their work, especially in the administrative, technical and teaching aspects. Stressing on the teaching staff of the basic and clinical medical departments, in order to ensure keeping pace with the best institutes in the world.
  • Be open no only to know but also to accept and apply the modern ideas in the fields of education and administration.
  • Present the suggestions to help developing the educational and administrative process in the official and legal ways.
  • Encourage feedback during the jobs and after completing them and benefit from previous mistakes by correcting them and to enhance and develop jobs that were done correctly.
  • Adhere to the recommendations of the Quality Assurance Committee in the college, and make sure to benefit from its recommendations and decisions, and provide feedback to the committee during and after completing the job.
  • Commit to modest dress and acceptable appearance for the student, the teacher and the administrative staff person inside the faculty campus. The obligation to wear the white medical coat while in university laboratories and in  departments and wards of hospitals and training centers, and the OR suit (Greens or Blues as per the hospital regulation) for operations in the operation departments, and this medical OR suit for operations does not exempt the doctor or student from wearing the white coat inside departments and wards of the hospitals and training centers.
  • Put the official padge provided by faculty of Medicine on the white coat or the OR suit in a visible and readable way all the time while in the hospitals or medical training centers.
  1. Respect:

The faculty affiliate is expected to:

  • Respect all the points mentioned before or after this point in the (Integrity, Accountability, Professional Commitment and Respect) items.
  • Respect others while dealing with them or talking about them in their absence or presence, regardless of differences in ideas, work position superiority or inferiority or the degree of compatibility with them.
  • Respect the principle of difference in opinions, and to act in a positive manner in this regard, as this difference enriches views and ultimately is for the interest of work.
  • Refrain from any actions or words that may suggest a lowering of respect for the opposing person, if this is by decreasing personal prestige or delving into her/his religious convictions, race, color, gender, or roots.
  • Refrain herself/himself from any form of verbal, physical and sexual harassment. This includes insinuation, gestures, signs, writing, drawing and sending or showing pictures, audio or video materials. A victim of such harrsament has to report the event.
  • Prevent the harrasment she/he is not involved directly with as much as possible if she/he witnessed other person exposed to it or if she/he was informed about it by the victim or the offender. If informed by an eyewitness; encourage the eyewitness to report the event she/he witnessed. Reporting the event is necessary to prevent further violations.
  • Refrain from engaging in rumors, rumormongering and fanning rumors.
  • Be honest, not to report untrue stories and fake events with the aim of offending others or for the purpose of personal visibility




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To be recognized locally, regionally and globally for excellence in medical education, research and contributions to patient care and community services.

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  •  Irbid - Jordan, P.O Box 566 ZipCode 21163
  •  962-2-7211111 (3037)
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  • Irbid - Jordan, P.O Box 566 ZipCode 21163
  •  962-2-7211111 (3037)