Yarmoukian Doctors in the field

Dear Doctor- A message to my colleagues

DrAbdelrahman alboura

Written in Arabic By:

Dr. Abdulrhman Al-bourh

Adrenaline graduate- Third Batch

Translated byDr. M.A. Awwad

' Please Don't forget'
To my dear colleague, The Doctor who suffered alot during his studies, Who worked hard till he became the person he wants. The Doctor who walked the hard way full of obstacles till he finally reached his happy destination.
You made your and your family's wish a reality, and you raised your university's name high , and you were and are the source of pride to your school and teachers. Don't forget the family; your family at home and your family at your school.
Those teachers that you might have caused some hardships to them, complained of them, or didnt listen to, but they worked hard to teach you the sciences of medicine and the skills of clinical practice. They were like candles that burn to light your way. Don't forget them
Don't forget anybody who helped you even with a smile or gesture.
Don't forget the words and meanings of the oath you recited loudly in the graduation ceremony, that put major responsibilities upon you. It is not an easy thing. It 's a commitment that you have to do.  Maybe then , you were at the middle of your graduation joy, or just recited that oath as a ceremony that medical students do in graduation. but you have to think of it as a Trust that you have to bear throughout your life. This trust that Allah has offered to heavens, earth and mountains and they declined to bear it and feard it, but we human beings did.
Don't forget that the people in need put their hopes on you, the sick , the desperate , the poor , the unhappy. All expect you to be their hands to work , their lips to smile and their heart to live, so  do what is expected from you.
Don't forget that your job is a humanetarian job, if you are after money, fame or a position, then you lost the way. you have to remind yourrself with the real objectives of being a doctor. 
Dear Colleague, We have no choice but to bear the trust that God and people gave us. It's not a burden if we like it and if we enjoyed doing it. No compromise , Be a doctor or Don't label yourself as a doctor, This your decision Ms. wise woman and Mr. wise man.
 Written on Saturday August 14th, 2021

Dr. Abdulrhman Al-bourh

Adrenaline graduate- Third Batch 2014-2021


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