Students Blog

A journey of a medical doctor

   moayad khresheh

Written in Arabic By:

Moayad Alkhresheh

5th year student, Glory batch- 5th batch- 2017-2023

Translated byDr. M.A. Awwad

Peace and blessing upon you all  

When we were little children, we were asked frequently: What do you want to be when you get older? , Our dreams were answering in our mouths, One of us answered: I want to be a police man, others will answer: I want to walk on the moon, and that little girl who used to play a school with her dolls will answer: I want to be a teacher. And that little ambitious boy said: I want to be a doctor, he said it with confidence lighting from his eyes. He studied hard to let his dream come true. He clung to his dream till he was accepted in the medical school. This little boy was myself. Now I know the road of the doctor is not that easy as it was hard before reaching its entrance.

Anyone who works in hospitals in treating people know how much difficult is this profession, how much effort he has to exert while learning, training and practicing.  You can specialize in one aspects and be an excellent doctor in that specialty but you cannot excel in every specialty. And reaching the stage of being an outstanding specialist means you spent lots of your life time working very hard. That doesn’t mean in any way to give up your dream or to to be stuck in your blue mood and dark nightmares, No, you have to use your reserve of patience, determination and positive attitude.

A temporary loss of passion could be a stage during your voyage as a doctor, but thinking of the high meanings of medicine are enough to recharge your soul and to set your passion-meter to full again. Haven’t you listen before to the saying of one of the major Islamic scholars in history “ Al-Shafe’e” : “ I know no principle more noble  after the Halal ( morally legal) and Haram (morally illegal) principle other than Medicine”. This is what I am talking about. Is there something more beautiful than a smile of thanks from a patient, or a satisfaction you feel from a patient who got an answer to a desperate question, or the pride of your parents when they see you helping people?

Yes life of a doctor is full of tension and anxiety for the sake of the health of their patients, but that’s just because of the great ambitions that time is their challenger, or the medical student who is eager to finish studying every detail of every subject but the time again is his challenger.

From being a medical student, through specializing and getting qualification till practicing and finding that you have to update and learn more, this is the journey of the medical doctor. This journey that polishes your personality every time you face a problem or you overcome a challenge. Fortunately, cooling down the flaming soul of the ambitious medical student and doctor uses the same elements of firing those flames. How? Just by looking at them from a different angle. The time challenge, the busy curriculum and the competition with yourself before competing others are your assets to overcome your frustrations. Be the friend of your time, enjoy the abundance of information and take the prize of the competition everyday by self-satisfaction and high esteem.

Be a human before you be a doctor. How beautiful to be a talented human too. Don’t push your personal gifts to the unseen side of your soul, let them grow with the great profession you choosed. They are no enemies; they are your pulleys to fly high in the sky of medicine.

At the start of my journey in medical school I wrote a lyric about this dream of being a doctor, I talked about my determination and the challenges, the obstacles and the victories during my way till I enrolled my School of Medicine/YU, It’s a long one in Arabic language. But reading the paragraphs before could tell you the meanings of the lyrics without translation.


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