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Hasan in California, USA حسن في كاليفورنيا-الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية

حسن خصاونة

Hello!  I am Hasan Khasawneh, a 6th-year medical student at Yarmouk University (YU). Through an affiliation between Yarmouk University and the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), I had the privilege of completing a clinical elective in Cardiac Electrophysiology and Inpatient Cardiology at UCLA Ronald Reagan Medical center.
During this transformative experience, I engaged with a diverse patient population and collaborated with leading experts in the field. I actively participated in managing patients with cardiac arrhythmias, coronary artery disease (CAD), heart failure, and various cardiomyopathies. I also performed cardioversion procedures and observed electrophysiology (EP) studies and radiofrequency ablations, gaining hands-on experience in the diagnosis and treatment of complex cardiac conditions.

This immersive training significantly enhanced my clinical skills and reinforced my passion for cardiology and academic medicine. I am incredibly grateful to my university, the faculty at UCLA Ronald Reagan Medical Center , and everyone who made this opportunity possible. A special thanks to my father and mother, whose unwavering support, guidance, and sacrifices have been the foundation of my journey.





رؤية كلية الطب

أن تتميز  كلّيتنا محليًا وإقليميًا وعالميًا في التعليم الطبي والبحث العلمي والمساهمة في رعاية المرضى والخدمات المجتمعية.

اتصل بنا

  •  اربد- الاردن, ص.ب 566 الرمز البريدي 21163
  •  medicine.fac@yu.edu.jo
  •  962-2-7211111 (3037)
  •  7211111 2 962 +
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